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Day Tripper(chromatic) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Chromatic

Day Tripper(chromatic) Harmonica Tab

-10 10 -9 9 9
Got a good rea–son
9 -10 10 -9 9 6 6 6
for tak–ing the eas–y way out,
-10 10 -9 9 -6
Got a good rea–son
9 -10 10 -9 9 6 6 6 6
for tak–ing the eas–y way out,——now.
7 <-7 7 -9 9-9 9 -9
She was a day———trip-per,
10 -9 9 -9 9
One way tick–et,—— yeah;
-7 8 -7 10 -9 9-9 9 -8
It took me so———-long—
6 -8 <-8 <-8 <-8 <-8 -8
to find out—— and i found out.


7 5—<-5 6 7 8 <-7—7 -9–7 <-7 8

Verse 2
She’s a big teaser,she took me half the way there.
She’s a big teaser,she took me half the way there,now.
She was a day tripper,one way tiket, yeah;
It took me so long to find out and i found out.

Verse 3
Tried to please her,she only played one night stands.
Tried to please her,she only played one night stands,now.
She was a day tripper,sunday driver,yeah;
It took me so long to find out and i found out.

8 <-7 8 8 <-7 8 <-7
Day trip–per,—– Day trip–per, yeah.

Day Tripper(chromatic) Lyrics

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Day Tripper(chromatic) Harmonica Tab

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