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Roddy McCorley (chrom) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: E
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Roddy McCorley (chrom) Harmonica Tab

Irish folk song
Key: E

6-6* 7*-6*7* -4 6-6* 7* -6* 6
Ho, see the fleet foot hosts of men
-4 5* 6 6 -6* 6
Who speed with fac-es wan
7*-7 -8 -8 -8 7*-8 8* 8* -8
From farm-stead and from fish-er’s cot
7* 6 5* -7 7* -6*
Up-on the banks of Bann
7*-7 -8 -8 -8 7*-8 8* 8* -8
They come with venge-ance in their eyes
7* 6 5* -7 7* -6*
Too late, too late are they
6 -6* 7*-6* 7* -4 6-6* 7* -6* 6
For young Rod-dy M’-Cor-ley goes to die
-4 -4 5* 6 6 -6* 6
On the Bridge of Toome to-day

Roddy McCorley (chrom) Lyrics

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Roddy McCorley (chrom) Harmonica Tab

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