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No Irish Need Apply Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: A
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

No Irish Need Apply Harmonica Tab

Irish folk song
Key: A
Time: 6/8

4* -4 -3 -4 4*
I’m a de-cent boy
-5 6 5* -4 -3 -7 7* -7 -8 7*
Just land-ed from the town of Bal-ly-fad
6 -7 8* -8-7-6* 7* -7
I want a sit-u-a-tion, yes
-6* 6 5* -7 5* -4
I want it ver-y bad
4* -4 -3 -4 5* -5 6 5* -4
I have seen em-ploy-ment ad-ver-tised
-3 -7 7* -7 -8 7*
‘Tis just the thing says I
6 6 -7 8* -8 -7 -6* 7* -7
But the dir-ty spal-peen end-ed with
-6*6 5* -4 -3 -3
No I-rish need ap-ply
-7 7* -6* -5 -6* -5 -6* -7
Whoa says I, but that’s an in-sult
7* -6* 6 5* 6 5* 6
Tho’ to get the place I’ll try
5* 5* -4 -4 -4 -4 -8 -8
So I went to see this black-guard
-8 -8 -7 7* 6 -6* -5* 6
With his no I-rish need ap-ply
5* -4 -3 -4 5* -5 6 5*
Some do count it a mis-for-tune
-4 -3 -7 7* -7 -8 7*
To be chris-tened Pat or Dan
6 6 -7 8* -8 -7 -6* 7*
But to me it is an hon-or
-7 -6* 6 5* -4 -3 -3
To be born an I-rish-man

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No Irish Need Apply Harmonica Tab

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