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I Shot the Sheriff (Gminor Natural) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Any
Harp Type: Any
Skill: Beginner

I Shot the Sheriff (Gminor Natural) Harmonica Tab

Marley Clapton
This version Em N
Gm N (Lee oskar layout for the orginal
Marley and Clapton keys)or any N minor
key (either Lee Oskar or Hohner or other).
The rest of the verses are available on
this site. This arangemnent illustrates
the possibilities of the N Minor harp

(Intro) / 9 –9 –8 7 –7 7 / -8 7 -7 6

Em/-8 7 7 7 -8
I shot the she riff,
Am/ 6 6 -7 -7 7 -7 Em/ -8 7 6 /
But I did not shoot the deput y
Em/-8 7 7 7 -8
I shot the sheriff,
Am/ 6 6 -7 -7 7 -7 Em/ -8 7 6 /
But I did not shoot the deput y
Cmaj7/ 9 9 Bm -9 Em/ -8 -9 9 -8
All a round my ho me town,
6 6 Cmaj7/ 9 9 9 Bm -9 -9 Em/ -8
They are trying to track me down
6 Cmaj7/9 9 9 9 Bm -9 -9 -8 Em/-9 8
They say they want to bring me in guil ty
6 6 Cmaj7/ -8 8 9 8 Bm-8 -8 Em/ 7 –7
For the killing of a dep u t y
-9 -9 Cmaj7/ 9 -9 -8 Bm 7 -8 Em/ 7 -7
For the life of a dep u t y,
6 9 -9 9 (Intro)
I s ai d

I Shot the Sheriff (Gminor Natural) Lyrics

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I Shot the Sheriff (Gminor Natural) Harmonica Tab

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