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Country Style Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Eb
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Country Style Harmonica Tab

W: Johnny Burke
M: James Van Heusen
Key: Eb

4 4 -3* 3 3* -2 3 -1*
When it comes to fan-cy danc-in’
4 4 -3* 3 3* -2 3
Or to mus-ic with a smile
-5 5* 5 -3 -3* -4
Or to nice ro-man-cin’
4 -3* 3* -1 -1*
Make mine coun-try style

4 4 -3* 3 3* -2 3 -1*
When it comes to arms that hold ya,
4 4 -3* 3 3* -2 3
Eyes that shine a-bout a mile
-5 5* 5 -3 -3* -4
Like I just now told ya
4 -3* 3* -1 -1*
Make mine coun-try style

-2 -3* -2 -3*
Hear that fid-dle
-1 3 -1 3 1 -2
I could lis-ten all night
-2 -3* -2 -3*
Hear that ban-jo
-1 3 -1* -3 -2 -3*
Ain”t that some-thin’ darn right

4 4 -3* 3 3* -2 3
Dance and share a lov-in’ cup
-1* 4 4 -3* 3 3* -2 3
With dif-f’rent part-ners for a while
-5 5* 5 -3 -3* -4
But for hitch-in’ up with
4 -3* 3* -1 -1*
Make mine coun-try style
3* -3* 4 -5 -5*
Yes sir, coun-try style

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Country Style Harmonica Tab

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