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Button up Your Overcoat (Diatonic) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Beginner

Button up Your Overcoat (Diatonic) Harmonica Tab

Sarah Vaughn/Johnny Mercer


6 6 7 7
Lis-ten big boy

-8 -8 -7 6 6 6
now that I’ve got you made.

-8 -8 -7 6 6 6
Good-ness but I’m af-raid.

7 5 6 7 -7 -4 -5 -6
Some-thing’s gon-na hap-pen to you.

6 6 7 7
Lis-ten big boy.

-8 -8 -7 6 6 6
You’ve got me hooked and how.


9 9 9 -9 -9 8 8
But-ton up your o-ver-coat.

-8 -8 -8 7 -7
when the wind is free

-6 6 -6 6 -6 6
Take good care of your-self

9 -9 8 7 7
you bel-ong to me

9 9 9 -9 -9 8 8
Eat an ap-ple ev-ry day.

-8 -8 -8 7 -7
Get to bed by three

-6 6 -6 6 -6 6
Take good care of your-self

9 -9 8 7 7
you be-long to me

7 -8 8 -9 -9 -9 -10 -9
Be care-ful cros-sing streets. ooh, ooh

8 8 8 9 8
Don’t eat meats ooh, ooh.

7 7 7 8 7
Cut out sweets, ooh, ooh.

-7 -7 -7 7 7 -8 -8 8 -9 9
You’ll get a pain and ru-in your tum tum.

9 9 9 -9 -9 8 8
Keep a-way from boot-leg hootch,

-8 7 -8 7 -7
when you’re on a spree

-6 6 -6 6 -6 6 9 -9 8 7 7
Take good care of your-self you be-long to me

Button up Your Overcoat (Diatonic) Lyrics

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Button up Your Overcoat (Diatonic) Harmonica Tab

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