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Buona Sera Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Bb
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Buona Sera Harmonica Tab

A song Favoured by the Ray Ellington Band in 50’s
and 60’s
In tabbing this I have used the 2< F if you wish you can use -2 F, use your preference wherever. 2< 2< 2< 2< 2< 2< 3~~~ 3 3 3 3 2<~~~ -1 -1< Buo-na/Se-ra Sig-no-ri/ na Buo-na Se-ra-/- it is/ 2< 2< 2< 2< -3<~~~~ -3< -3 -2 -1<~~~~~~ time to say good-night-/-- to Na-po-li-/----/ 1 -1 -1< -1< -1< -1< -1< 4 -3< 3 rrr though it's/hard for us to whis/per Buo-na/ -3< -3~~~ 4 -3< 3 -3< -3 -3~~~~ 3 Se-ra--/with that old/moon a-bove--- the/ 3 2< 2< 2< -1< -1~~~ -1 -1< Me-di-ter-ra-nean/sea---/ in the/ 2< 2< 2< 2< 3~~~~ 3 3 3 3 2<~~~~ morn-ing Sig-no-ri-/--na we'll go/walk-ing--/ ~~ -1 -1< 2< 2< 2< 2< -5~~~ --where the/moun-tains and the sand-/ ~~~ -5 4 -3< 3~~~~~~~~~ -- come in-to sight-/----/ 3 -3 -3< -3< -3< -3< -3< -3< 3< -2< by the/lit-tle jew'll-er's/shop we'll stop and/ -2< 2<~~~~~ 3 2< 2< -1< -1< -1 -1<~~~ -3 -2 lin-ger-/--while I/buy a wed-ding ring-/for your/ 3 2<~~~~~ -3< 4 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5~~~ fin-ger---/- in the/mean-time let me tell-/ ~ -5 4 -3< 4 3~~~~~~ -5 -3< -5 -3< -5 -3< -you that I/love you---/- Buo-na/Se-ra sig-no-/ -5 -3 -5 -5 -5 -3<~~~~ ri-na kiss me good/night--/ ~~ -1 -1 1 -1 -1< -2 3 3 -5 -5 -5 --Bou-na/Se-ra Sig-no-/ri-na kiss me good-/ -6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ night---/----/----/-- //

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Buona Sera Harmonica Tab

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