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All Through The Night V2 Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: G
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Beginner

All Through The Night V2 Harmonica Tab

6          -5        5       -4    
All     through     the     night 

-4     5     -5   6     -4     -4     5  
I’ll   be    a-wake     and   I’ll    be

-5     6       6       6      -6       -7 
with   you.    Oh,    all   through   the

7      56   6      6   -6    -7     7
night  to-day     know-in’   that   we   
5      6      6     -5    5    -4   -4     
feel   the   same   with-out    say-in’
8      8        7      8     8      8 7
We     have     no   past    we    won’t

7        -9       -9    -9      -6  
reach    back     keep  with    me    

-6   -7     7     -9  8     8       8  
for-ward   all   through   the   night

8       8     7       8       8   8 7  7 
And   once    we    start    the   me-ter 

-9      -9      -9    -6     -6   -7      7
clicks  and     it   goes    run-ning    all

-9  8       8        8         8  8 7     7
through    the     night       un-til    it   

8        8       8      7     7 -7    
ends   there     is     no    end

6      -5      5      -4     -4     5     -5
All   through the   night    stray  cat   is

6    6      -4     -4     5       -5       6 
cry-ing     so    stray   cat   sings    back
6     -5       5      -4      -4       5
All  through   the   night    they   have

-5   6  -4     -4    -4     5     -5      6 
for-got-ten   what   by    day   they   lack

6     6  -6     -7      7      5  6       6 
Oh,   un-der   those  white    street   lamps

6     -6  -7  7   5    6      -5    5    -4
there is  a  lit-tle chance  they   may  see

6     6     6   -6    -7    7     5    6   6  
Oh,  the  sleep in   your   eyes  is   e-nough  

6      -6   -7      7       5      6      6 
 let    me   be   there,    let    me    stay  

-5      5     -4        
there   a   while.

All Through The Night V2 Lyrics

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All Through The Night V2 Harmonica Tab

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