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Love Lifted Me(Melody Maker) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Any
Harp Type: Melody Maker
Skill: Any

Love Lifted Me(Melody Maker) Harmonica Tab

Melody Maker **bend down from “G” to “F”

verse 1
-2 3 -2 2 -2 3 -2
I was sink-ing deep in sin,

-2 3 -3 4 -4 -3
far from the peace-ful shore,

3 -3 3 -2** 3 -3 3
Ver-y deep-ly stained with-in,

3 -3 4 -3 3 -2
Sink-ing to rise no more;

-2 3 -2 2 -2 3 -2
But the Mas-ter of the sea,

-2 3 -3 4 -2 3
Heard my de-spair-ing cry,

3 -3 4 -4 5 4 -3
From the wa-ters lift-ed me,

3 -2 -4 4
now safe am I.

5 3 4 4 4 2 -3 3
Love lift-ed me, Love lift-ed me;

3 3-3 4 -2 4 4
When noth-ing else could help,

-4 3 5 -4
Love lift-ed me.

5 -2 -4 4 4 2 -3 3
Love lift-ed me, Love lift-ed me;

3 3-3 4 -2 4 4
When noth-ing else could help,

5 5 -4 4
Love lift-ed me.

verse 2
All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I’ll cling
In His bless’d presence live, ever His praises sing,
Love so mighty and so true, merits my soul’s best songs,
Faithful, loving service too, to Him belongs.

verse 3
Souls in danger look above, Jesus completely saves,
He will lift you by His love, out of the angry waves.
He’s the Master of the sea, billows His will obey,
He your Savior wants to be, be saved today.

Love Lifted Me(Melody Maker) Lyrics

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Love Lifted Me(Melody Maker) Harmonica Tab

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