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Jingle Bells (a Diatonic Duet) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): James Lord Pierpont
Released: 1857
Genre: Christmas
Key: G
Harp Type: Diatonic

Jingle Bells (a Diatonic Duet) Harmonica Tab

Range: C3 to G5

Requires one Key of G, and one Key of Low G, Richter tuned diatonic.
1st harpist: Key of G
2nd harpist: Key of Low G

Tab Notations:
none = blow    - = draw    ’ = half step bend    ” = whole step bend
-3__ = hold    
(-1) = play this note when the corresponding word is sung
Example: In the 1st & 3rd verse, first line, don’t play it. In the 2nd verse, play it.
ob = overblow

1st: (3) 3    5   -4      4   -3
        Dash-ing through the snow
     A  day  or  two     a – go
        Now  the ground  is  white
2nd:    5    2   5       2   5  2  5 

1st:3   3  3     5    -4   4       -3______
   In  a  one - horse o - pen     sleigh,
   I     thought I’d  take a      ride,
   Go__________ it   while you’re young,
2nd:2      4     2    4    2       -2”  -3”  -2”  

1st: (-3”) -3”  -5  -4    -3   -3
          O’er the fields we  go,
     And  soon Miss Fan – ny  Bright
          Take the girls to – night,
2nd: -3”  6    -3” 6     -3”  -5 

1st: (-3) 6     6    -5     -4  5_______4   3
         Laugh-ing  all    the way._____
     was seat - ed  by     my  side;
     and sing  this sleigh-ing song;
2nd: 3   -5    3    -5     3   5   3   5   3 

1st: (3)  3     5   -4  4    3____
         Bells on  bob-tail ring,
     The horse was lean and lank,
    Just get  a   bob-tailed bay,
2nd:     5     3   5   3     5   3   5   

1st: (3)    3     5   -4     4    -3”
           Mak - ing  spi - rits bright,
     Mis – for - tune seemed his lot;
     Two – for - ty   as    his  speed;
2nd: 3     5     3    5     3    -5  -3”  -5

1st:-3”  -3”   -5  5  -4 6    6   6     6   -6     6      -5   -4   4_____
    What fun   it  is to ride and sing  a   sleigh-ing    song to - night!
    He   got   in -to  a drift-ed bank  and then   we     got  up - sot!
    Then hitch him to an o – pen sleigh and crack! You’ll take the lead.
2nd:-3”  -5    -3” -5 -3” -5  3  -5     3   -5     3      -5   3   5 3 5 3

1st:5   5    5      5   5    5      5   6   4__ -4  5_______
    Jin-gle, bells! Jin-gle, bells! Jin-gle all the way!____
2nd:4        4      4        4      4       -5_     4  -5  4

1st:-5  -5   -5__ -5 -5 5  5    5  5 5   -4   -4   5   -4  6____
    Oh, what fun_ it is to ride in a one-horse o - pen sleigh!__
2nd:-2”      -2”     4     4          -4       5ob      6   -4  3

1st:5   5    5      5   5    5      5   6   4   -4  5______
    Jin-gle, bells! Jin-gle, bells! Jin-gle all the way!___
2nd:4        4      4        4      4       -5      4  5  4

1st:-5  -5   -5__ -5 -5 5  5    5   5 6   6    -5   -4  4______7
    Oh, what fun_ it is to ride in  a one-horse o - pen sleigh!
2nd:-2”      -2”     4     4          6         3       4  3   4

Jingle Bells (a Diatonic Duet) Lyrics

It’s Christmas
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Hey, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Hey, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
It’s Christmas
Hey, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Hey, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
It’s Christmas

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Jingle Bells (a Diatonic Duet) Harmonica Tab

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