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I’m a Believer (G Diatonic Solo) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: G
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Expert

I’m a Believer (G Diatonic Solo) Harmonica Tab

I’m a Believer (G Diatonic Solo)
Words & Music by Neil Diamond
As Performed by The Monkees
Key of G Major Range: C4 to C6

Requires a Key of G Richter Tuned diatonic harmonica.

Tab Notations:
None = blow – = draw ’ = half step bend
” = full step bend ob = overblow
-1 = grace note 6____ = hold ! = staccato
-2”_3 = slide; move smoothly from note to note

Moderately fast

34 4 4 4 4_-4 -4 -4-5__ -5 -45___ -4 4____
I thought love was on – ly true_ in fair__-y tales,

34____ 4 4 4 4_-4__ -4 -5 -5__ 5____
Meant for some-one else__ but not for_ me.__

-5__ -5 -45 -4 4____ 4
Love was out to get__ me.

-55 -5 5 -4 4___
That’s the way it seemed.

-5 -5 5 -4 4 4___ -3” -3’ -3’_-3____
Dis-ap-point–ment haunt-ed__ all my dreams.___

4 4 4 5 6_____
Then I saw her face;__

6 -6__ 6 -6 -6____ 6
now I’m_ a be – liev – er!

4 5 6___-5_5_____
Not a trace________

6 -6_______ -6 6______
of doubt in my mind.___

4 4ob5___ 6 4_-6 6 6 -6_-6 6
I’m in____ Love. I’m_ a be-liev-er!

6 6 6 6_-5__ -5 5 4 -4____
I could-n’t leave_ her if I tried_.

-3”4 4 4 4 4-4 -4 -5___ 5 5 -4 4______
I thought love was more or less_ a giv-in’ thing._

-3”4____ 4 4 4 -4____ -4 -4 -5 5__
Seems the more I gave,_ the less I got.

5-5___ -5 5 -4 4__ 4
What’s the use in try-in’?

4-5 -5 5 -4 4_____
All you get is pain._

-5 -5 5 -4 4 4 -3” -3’ -3’_-3
When I need-ed sun-shine, I got rain.

4 4 4 5 6_____
Then I saw her face;__

6 -6__ 6 -6 -6____ 6
now I’m_ a be – liev – er!

4 5 6___-5_5_____
Not a trace________

6 -6_______ -6 6______
of doubt in my mind.___

4 4ob5___ 6 4_-6 6 6 -6_-6 6
I’m in____ Love. I’m_ a be-liev-er!

6 6 6 6_-5__ -5 5 4 -4____
I could-n’t leave_ her if I tried_.

-3 -4
ya know.


-5 -5 5 -4 4___ 4
love was out to get_ me.

4 -5 -5 5 -4 4___
Now, that’s the way it seemed.

-5 -5 5__ -4__ 4 4___ -3” -3’ -3_-4____
Dis – ap – point – ment haunt-ed__ all my dreams.__

4 4 4 5 6_____
Then I saw her face;__

6 -6__ 6 -6 -6____ 6
now I’m_ a be – liev – er!

4 5 6___-5_5_____
Not a trace________

6 -6_______ -6 6______
of doubt in my mind.___

4 4ob5__ 6 4_-6 6 6 -6_-6 6
I’m in____ Love. I’m_ a be-liev-er!

6 6 6 6_-5__ -5 5 4 -4____
I could-n’t leave_ her if I tried_.

-6 -6 7 7 -8_8ob_7___
Yes, I saw her face;______

7 8ob-9_ -9 8ob_8_8____ 6ob
now I’m__ a be – liev – er!

6ob 7___ 7 8ob_____7_____6ob_____7_____
Well, not_ a trace______________________

7 78_____ 8 -8_7 7_-6____
of doubt__ in my_ mind.___

7 7-8ob -9 8ob_7 8ob 8ob -8_8ob -8_8ob -8_8ob -8_8ob -8_8ob -8_8ob
Said I’m a be – liev–er, yeah,_ yeah,_ yeah,_ yeah,_ yeah,_ yeah._


Begin fade
7 8__ -9 8ob_7 7 6ob 7__
Said I’m_ a be – liev–er, yeah.

7 7 8___ -9 8_7 7 6ob 7___ 6ob_7___ 6ob_7_6ob___ Fade out
I said I’m__ a be – liev–er, yeah, yeah,__ oh._______

I’m a Believer (G Diatonic Solo) Lyrics

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I’m a Believer (G Diatonic Solo) Harmonica Tab

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