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Baltimore Fire Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: E
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Baltimore Fire Harmonica Tab


Eastern American folk song

Key: E


5 -5 6 6 5 -4

It was on a sil-ver

4   5 4 -4 -3”

falls by a nar-row

4 -3” -2   -2   4

That I heard the cry

4 4 4   5   5   5 -4

I ev-er will re-mem-ber

6   6   5   -4   4

The fire sent and cast

4   -4   5 -4 -3”

its burn-ing em-bers

4 -3” -2 -2 -3 4 -4 -5

On an oth-er fat-ed cit-y

5 -4   4

Of our land


5     5   -4   4   5   6

Fire, fire, I heard the cry

5   4   4 -4 4 -3”   -2 4 5

From ev-‘ry breeze that pass-es by

4   4 -4 4 -3” -2

All the world was one

3 5 5 6 6 -4

Sad cry of pi-ty

   5   5 -4 4   5     6

Strong men in an-guish prayed

4   4 -4 4 -3” -2     4   5

Call-ing loud to Heav’n for aid

4   4 -4 4 -3” -2   4   5

While the fire in ruin was laying

5 6   6 -4 5   4

Fair Bal-ti-more the

-4   -4 5 -4 4

beau-ti-ful cit-y

Baltimore Fire Lyrics

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Baltimore Fire Harmonica Tab

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