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Money, Money, Money Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Eb
Harp Type: Chromatic

Money, Money, Money Harmonica Tab

Key of Eb Range: G3 to G6
Notations: none = blow – = draw * = slide button in
. = lower register 2* = -2 arpeggiate = roll

7 7 7 7 7 7 3 5 -5* 7
-6* -6* -6* -6* -6* -6* 3* 4 -5* 7
-6 -5* 5 -5* -5* 5__ 8

5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7
5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7

.3 .3 .3* .3* .3 .3 .3* .3* .3
I work all night, I work all day to

.3 .*3 .3* .3 .3 .4 .4__-.4
pay the bills I have to pay.___

3* 3* 3*__3
Ain’t it sad?_

5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7

.3 .3 .3* .3* .3 .3 .3* .3*
And still there nev – er seems to be

.3 .3 .3* .3* .3 .3 .4 .4___-.4
a sin – gle pen – ny left for me.____

-4 -4 -5__5
That’s too bad._

5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7

2* 2* -1*____-1*_
In my dreams___

-1* -1 -1 -1*_-1_1
I have a plan,___

2* 2* -1* -1* -1* -1 -1 -1*_-1_1
if I got me a wealth-y man_____

1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1
I would-n’t have to work at all,

1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1* -1*_-1_____
I’d fool a-round and have a ball._______

3 3* 2* 3 -1* -2 -1 3
3* 2* 3 -1* -2 -1 -1*

1 -1 -1* 1 -1 -1*
Mon-ey, mon-ey, mon-ey,

-1 1 -1 -1*
must be fun-ny

-1 1 -1* -1* 1______1
in a rich man’s world.__

1 -1 -1* 1 -1 -1*
Mon-ey, mon-ey, mon-ey,

-1 1 -1 -1*
Al-ways sun-ny

-1 1 -1* -1* 1______1_
in a rich man’s world.____

1 3*_3*____-3*_3* 2*3_3____
A-ha,_____________ a-ha.____

3* 3 3* 3 1 2*_2*__
All the things I could do_____

-1* -1 1 -1 -1* 1 -1 -1*
if I had a lit-tle mon-ey.

-1 1 -1* -1* 1______1
It’s a rich man’s world.__

7 7 7 7 7 3 4 -5* 7
-6* -6* -6* -6* -6* -6* 3* 5 -5* 7 6*

-1* 1 -1* -1* 1______1_
It’s a rich man’s world.____

5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7
5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7

.3 .3 .3* .3* .3 .3 .3* .3* .3
A man like that is hard to find but

.3 .3* .3* .3 .3 .4 .4_-.4_
I can’t get him off my mind.__

3* 3* 3*___3
Ain’t it sad?__

5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7

.3 .3 .3*.3* .3 .3 .3* .3*
And if he hap-pened to be free

.3 .3 .3* .3* .3 .3 .4 .4___-.4
I bet he would-n’t fan-cy me._____

-4 -4 -5__5_
That’s too bad.__

5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7

.3 -2 -2 -1*___-1
So I must leave,__

-1* -1 -1 -1*_-1_1__
I’ll have to go._______

2* 2* -1*-1* -1* -1 -1 -1*_-1_1_
To Las Ve-gas or Mon-a-co_______

1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1
and win a for-tune in a game,

1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1* -1*__-1___
my life would nev-er be the same._____

3 3* 2* 3 2 2* -1 3
3* 2* 3 2 2* -1 2

1 -1 -1* 1 -1 -1*
Mon-ey, mon-ey, mon-ey,

-1 1 -1 -1*
must be fun-ny

-1 1 -1* -1* 1______1
in a rich man’s world.__

5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7

1 -1 -1* 1 -1 -1*
Mon-ey, mon-ey, mon-ey,

-1 1 -1 -1*
al-ways sun-ny

-1 1 -1* -1* 1___1
in a rich man’s world._

5 -5 -5* 7 5 -5 -5* 7

1 3*_3*_____-3*_3* -2 3_3____
A-ha,_____________ a-ha.____

3* 3 3* 3 1 2*_2*__
All the things I could do_____

-1* -1 1 -1 -1* 1 -1 -1*
if I had a lit-tle mon-ey.

-1 1 -1* -1* 1___1
It’s a rich man’s world.

7 7 7 7 7 3 4 -5* 7
-6* -6* -6* -6* -6*____

E Major:

1* -1* 2 1* -1* 2
Mon-ey, mon-ey, mon-ey

-1* 1* -1* 2
must be fun-ny

-1* 1* 2 2 1*__1*
in a rich man’s world._

1* -1* 2 1* -1* 2
Mon-ey, mon-ey, mon-ey,

-1* 1* -1* 2
al-ways sun-ny

-1* 1* 2 2 1*__1*
in a rich man’s world._

1*-3_-3_________-4_-3 -2*3*__3*
A-ha,_________________ a-ha_____

-3 3* -3 3* 1* -2*_-2*___
All the things I could do_____

2 -1*
if I

1* -1* 2 1* -1* 2
had a lit-tle mon-ey.

-1* 1* 2 2 1*____1*
It’s a rich man’s world._

7* 7* 7* 7* 7* 3* 5* 6 7*
7 7 7 7 7 7 -3 5* 6* 7 -6*

2 1*2 2 1*__1*
It’s a rich man’s world.__

Arpeggiate (6,7*,8*)

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Money, Money, Money Harmonica Tab

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