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Mister Cellophane (Chromatic Duet) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: G
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Expert

Mister Cellophane (Chromatic Duet) Harmonica Tab

Mister Cellophane (Chromatic Duet)
From the movie “Chicago”
Words by Fred Ebb, Music by John Kander
Range: 1st harp: B3 to G5 2nd harp:F3 to G6
4/4 Time Key of G Major

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Tab Notations:
none = blow – = draw * = button in
____= hold . = lower register (Notes below Middle
C; first 4 of either 16 hole chromatic or 12 hole Tenor “C” chromatic)
-1______2____ = slide from on note to next & hold
! = staccato

1st harp above, 2nd harp below or as noted (1st or 2nd )

1st: 7 7 -5 -5 -5* -5* -3* -3* -5______ -4 -3* -3_____
2nd:-.4________ -.3*___________ .2_.3_.4_____________

-1 3 3 -1 -1 2 2 -.4
If some-one stood up in a crowd

-1 3 3 -1 -1 2 2 -.4
and raised his voice up way out loud

-1 -3 -3 -1 -1 -3 -3 -1
and waved his arm and shook his leg,

1 -.4 1 -1____
you’d no – tice him.__

2nd: -4 4 -5___

-1 3 3 -1 -1 2 2 -.4 -1
If some-one in the mov-ie show yelled

3 3 -1 -1 2 2 -.4
“Fire___ in the sec-ond row!

-1 -3 -3 -1 -1 -3 -3 -1
This whole place is a pow-der keg!”

-1 -3* -3 3___
You’d no – tice him.

2nd: -7* -7 7___

3 -2* -2* -2* -1 2 2 2 1* -.4___
And e – ven with-out cluck-ing like a hen,__

2nd: -6*! -6*! -6*! -5! 6! 6! 6! 4!

-2* -2* -2* -1 2 2 2 1* -.4___
ev-‘ry one gets no-ticed now and then,_

2nd: -6*! -6*! -5! -6*! -6*!

3 -3 -3 -3 -2* 3 3 3 2 -2*___
Un – less, of course, that per-son-age should be
-6*! 7! -6*! 7! 6! -6*!

2nd: -.1! -.2*! -.4! -.3__ -1 -3

3 -3 2 -1* 2 -3 2 -1* 2 -3____
in–vis–i–ble in–con–se–quen–tial me.___
-3 -3 (3456)___(-2*x-4*)__

-2* 2 -1_____ 2 -1 -2* 2 -1____ 2 -1
Cel-lo-phane,_ Mis-ter Cel-lo-phane_ should have
-6* 6 -5_____________ -6* 6 -5________________

3 2 -1____ 2 -1 3 2 -1_____ -1 2 2*
been my name,_ Mis-ter Cel-lo-phane,_ ‘cause you can
7 6 -5____________ 7 6 -5_____ -1 2 2*

-2* -2* 2 -1__ -2* -2* 2 -1__
look right thru me,_ walk right by me__
-6* -6* 6 -5__ -6* -6* 6 -5__

-3* -3* 3 -3* -3_ 3 -1 2 2*
and nev-er know I’m there. I tell ya
-3*___________ -3______ 3 -5 6 6* 7* -7 -8

-2* 2 -1_____ 2 -1 -2* 2 -1____ 2 -1
Cel-lo-phane,_ Mis-ter Cel-lo-phane_ should have
84848484848484848484848484848484 7 -7 -7*

3 2 -1____ 2 -1 3 2 -1_____ -1 2 2*
been my name,_ Mis-ter Cel-lo-phane,_ ‘cause you can

-2* -2* 2 -1_ -2* -2* 2 -1_
look right thru me, walk right by me_
7* -7* -8 84848484848484848484848484848484

-3* -3* 3 -3* -3 3_____
and nev-er know I’m there. (arpeggiated)
-3___________ -4 -3 3_____ -2*~-3~-4*~-5

1st: 7 7 -5 -5 -5* -5* -3* -3* -5______ -4 -3* -3_____
2nd:-.4________ -.3*___________ .2_.3_.4_____________

-1 3 3 -1 -1 2 2 -.4
Sup-pose you was a lit-tle cat

-1 3 3 -1 -1 2 2 -.4
re-sid-in’ in a per-son’s flat,

-1 -3 -3 -1 -1 -3 -3 -1
who fed you fish and scratched your ears;

1 -.4 1 -1___
you’d no – tice him._

2nd: -4 4 -5___

-1 3 3 -1 -1 2 2 -.4 -1 3 3 -1 -1
Sup-pose you was a wom-an wed, and sleep-in’ in a
-1______________2______________ -1____________

2 2 -.4 -1 -3 -3 -1 -1 -3 -3 -1
dou-ble bed be-side one man for sev-en years;
_2____________ 2________________-2*__________

-1 -3* -3 3___
You’d no – tice him.

2nd: -7* -7 7___

3 -2*-2* -2*-1 2 2 2 1* -.4___
A hu-man be-ing’s made of more than air.__

2nd: -6*! -6*! -6*! -5! 6! 6! 6!

3 -2* -2* -2* -1 2 2 2 1* -.4___
With all that bulk you’re bound to see him there,
4! -6*!

2nd: -6*! -6*! -5! -6*! -6*!

3 -3 -3 -3 -2* 3 3 3 2 -2*___
Un – less that hu-man be-ing next to you___
-6* 7! -7! -6*! 7! 6! -6*!

2nd: -.1! -.2*! -.4! -.3__ -1 -3

3 -3 2 -1* 2 -3 2 -1* 2
is un–im–press-ive, un-dis-tin-guished
-3 -3

-2* 3 -3______
you know who.____
-6*! 7! -7______

2nd: -7 7 -6___ -6 7__ -6 -7 7 -6__

3 -2 -3* 3 -2____ 3 -2
Should have been my name,_ Mis-ter
7_________ -6 -7* 7 -6____ 7 -2 -8

-3* 3 -2_____ -2 3 3* -3 -3 3 -2___
Cel–lo-phane,_ ‘cause you can look right thru me,__
7_____ -6____________________ -7________ 7 -6___

-3 -3 3 -2__
walk right by me,_
-7________ 7 -6__

-5* -5* -3* -5* 4__ -3* 3 -3 -3*
and nev-er know I’m there. I tell ya
8* 8* -7* 8* 8 -7* 7 -7 -7*

Heavy ragtime
-4 -3 3______ -3 3 -4 -3 3________
Cel – lo – phane,_ Mis – ter Cel – lo – phane____
-8-4-8-4-8-4-8-4-8-4-8-4-8-4 -8-8 8* -9-5

-3 3 4 -3 3________ -3 3
should have been my name,____ Mis-ter
-9-5-9-5-9-58585858585858585 10 -9_____ -9*

4 -3 3_______ 3 -3 -3* -4 -4 -3 3___
Cel – lo – phane,__ ‘cause you can look right thru me__
8 -9__ -9* 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 -9-5-9-5-9-5-9-5-9-5

2nd: -9 -9* 10

-4 -4 -3 3______________________
walk right by me,____________________
-10 10 -9* -9-5-9-5-9-5-9-5-9-5-9-5-9-5-9-5

-5* -5* 5 -5* -5_____________ 5____________________
and nev – er_ know I’m____________ there._______________
10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 -9-5—9-5-9-5-9-5 6 -7 -7*-8 8 -7 6 -6

-5* 5 -5* 5 7___________
Nev-er e – ven know________ (arpeggiated)
(1234) (1234) 7-27-27-27-2 (-2~-4~-5~7)

-5* 5___________________________
I’m there.______________________
-9* -9 8 -9_8 -9* -9 8_ -9_8 7~~8~~10~~11__

“I hope I haven’t taken up too much of your time.”

Mister Cellophane (Chromatic Duet) Lyrics

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Mister Cellophane (Chromatic Duet) Harmonica Tab

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