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Stir It Up Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Any
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Stir It Up Harmonica Tab

-8 +8 +8 -9 -9 +8 -8
Stir it up, little darlin
-8 +8 +8 +8 -8 +7-8
Stir it up come on baby
-8 +8 -9 -8 +8 +8
come on and stir it up
-9 -9 +8 -8
Little darlin
-8 +8 +8 +7
Stir it up,Ooh

+6 +7 -8 -8 +8 +7 -6
It’s been a lon-g, long time
-6 -6 -8 -8 +7 +9 +8
Since I’ve got you on my mind
+6 -8 +8 +9 +8 -9 +9
And no—w you are her-e
+8 +9 -10 +9 +8
I say its so clear
+7 -8+8 +9 +9 +8 +9 +9 -10
To se-e what we can do ba—by
+8 +9 +8 +9
Just me and you

-8 +8 -9 -8 +8 +8
Come on and stir it up
-9 -9 +8 -8
Little darlin’
-8 +8 +8 +8 -8 +7-8
Stir it up,come on baby
-8 +8 -9 -8 +8 +8
come on and stir it up
-9 -9 +8 -8
Little darlin’
-8 +8 +8
Stir it up

+8 +6 +6 -6 +8 -8
I’ll push the wood and i’ll
+8 -8 +7 -8
Blaze your fi-re
+8 +8 -9 +8 +8 -8 +7
Then I sat-is-fy you-r
+8 -8 +7 +8
Hearts desir-e
+8 +9 +9 -10 +9 -10 +8 -8 +7 -8
Said I sti-r it yeah every minute,
+8 +8 +8 +8 +7 -9 -9 +8
All you’ve got to do ba-by
+7 +8 -8 +7 -8 +8
Is keep it in it and

-8 +8 +8 +8 +7 -9 -9 +8 -8
Stir it up,come on little darlin
-8 +8 +8 +8 -8 +7-8
Stir it up,come on baby
-8 +8 -9 -8 +8 +8
come on and stir it up
-9 -9 +8 -8
Little darlin’
-8 +8 +8
Stir it up ohh

+8 -8 -8 +7 +7 -8
quench me when I’m thirsty
-8 +8 -9 -10 +9 +9 +9 -9 +7 +9 -8+8
Come on and cool me down ba-by when Im ho-t
+8 +8 -8 +8 -8 +7 +8 -8 +7 +7
Your rec-ip-e darlin is so tasty
+8 +9 +9 -6 +7 +9 +8 -8
And you sure can stir your pot so

-8 +8 +8 -9 -9 +8 -8
Stir it up, little darlin
-8 +8 +8 +8 -8 +7-8
Stir it up come on baby
-8 +8 -9 -8 +8 +8
come on and stir it up
-9 -9 +8 -8
Little darlin
-8 +8 +8 +7
Stir it up,Ooh

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Stir It Up Harmonica Tab

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