Auld Lang Syne Double Bass Solo Harmonica Tab
Auld Lang Syne Double Bass Solo Harmonica Tab
Key of F Major
Requires either a Hohner 268 or Suzuki SDB-39
Range: C2 to L16
The Double Bass is Blow only.
This is played on the lower harp only.
L6 L9____ L9 L9 L11 L10__ L9 L10
1. Should auld__ ac-quaint-ance be___ for-got,
2. And sure — ly you’ll buy your_ pint cup!
3. We two__ have run a – bout_ the slopes,
4. We two__ have pad – dled in___ the stream,
5. And there’s a hand my tru__- sty friend!
L11 L9 L9___ L11 L13 L14_____
1. And nev-er___ brought to mind?____
2. And sur-ly___ I’ll buy mine!____
3. And pick-ed__ the daisies fine;____
4. From mor-ning sun till dine;____
5. And give us a hand o’ thine!___
L16 L14 L13___ L11 L11 L9 L10__ L9 L10
1. Should_ auld__ ac-quaint-ance be__ for — got,
2. And____ we’ll_ take a cup of__ kind- ness
3. But____ we’ve_ wan-dered many a wear_-y foot,
4. But____ seas__ be-tween us broad have roared,
5. And____ we’ll_ take a right good –will draught
L11 L9 L7 L7 L6 L9________
1. And days__ of auld lang syne._____
2. yet for_____ auld lang syne._____
3. since auld____ lang_____ syne._____
4. since auld____ lang_____ syne._____
5. for auld____ lang_____ syne._____
L14 L13_ L11 L11 L9 L10___ L9 L10 L14 L13__L11 L11 L13 L14____
1-5. For auld____ lang___ syne,_ my dear, for auld___ lang___ syne.__
L16L14L13___ L11 L11 L9 L10___ L9 L10 L11 L9__L7 L7___L6 L9___
1.We’ll take__ a cup of kind– ness yet, for auld__ lang___ syne.
2.We’ll take__ a cup of kind– ness yet, for auld__ lang___ syne.
3.We’ve wan__-dered man – y a wear– y foot, for auld__ lang___ syne.
4.But seas__ be- tween us broad have roared, for auld_ lang___ syne.
5.And we’ll_ take a right good –will draught for auld lang___ syne.
Optional Humorous last verse (from Garrison Keillor’s 2006 New Year’s Eve Special):
I think of all the great, high hearts
I had when I was young!
And now who are these sad old farts
I find myself among?
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