As I Love You Harmonica Tab
As I Love You Harmonica Tab
1958 B side for Shirley Bassey
3 -3 -2< 3 3 -3 -2< 3 4 2 2~~~~~~~~
I will love you/as I love you/all my life—/—-
-1 2 1< -1 3 1 1 -1 2 1< -1
Ev-‘ry mo-ment/spent with you/makes me more con-/
3 1 1 -3 -4 4 3 -4 4
tent with you/just as you/are, you are/
-2< -4 -3 -3 -1 -3 -4 4 3 -4 4
all I could/pray for/all that you/are that’s what
-2< 6 -5 4 4 -4 3 -3 -2< 3
I wake up each/day for/ev-‘ry sin-gle/
3 -3 -2< 3 4 2 2~~~~~~~~~
touch and tin-gle/I a-dore—/—-/
-1 2 1< -1 3 1 1 4 -5 -4 4
ev-‘ry kiss from/you to me/al-ways seems so/
6 -2< -2< 3 -3 -2< 3 -3 -4 -3< -3
new to me/each one warm-er/than the one be-/
-5~~~~~~~~~ 3 6 -5 4 -2 -5 4 -4
fore—/—-/as I love you/more and more and/
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