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April come she will Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Any
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Beginner

April come she will Harmonica Tab

3~~~4 4      3    4   4
A—/pril—come she/will—/

-5     -5   -5   5    5~~~~~  -4     4    4~~~~
When streams are ripe and—/-swelled with rain—/

~~  4~~~~~-4 -4  5~~~    5  -4   4
— May—/- she will—  stay—/—-/

-5  -5  5  5   -4  4  3
rest-ing in my/arms a-gain//—-/—-/—-://

(repeat with 2nd verse)

2nd. June she’ll change her tune,
In restless walks she’ll prowl the night;
July she will fly
and give no warning to her flight.

3~~~4  4    3   4   4~~~~~~
Au—/gust die she/must—/

-5 -5  -5    5    5    5~~~~ -4  4   4~~~~~
the au-tumn winds blow chil-/-ly and cold—/

~~  4   4    -4   -4   6~~6-5 5~~~~~
-/ Sep-tem—/ber I’ll re-mem-/ber—/

-5  -5   -5   5   5  -4    -3~~-4 4~~~~~~~~~~
A love once new has/now  grown-/old—/—-/

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April come she will Harmonica Tab

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