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Ain’t We Got Fun? Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Eb
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Ain’t We Got Fun? Harmonica Tab

W: Gus Hahn & Raymond B. Egan
M: Richard Whiting
From: �By The Light Of The Silvery Moon�
Doris Day
Key: Eb

-3* 7 -6* 7 -3* 7 -6* 7
Ev-�ry morn-ing Ev-�ry eve-ning
7* 7* 7 7*
Ain’t we got fun
-3* 7* 7 7* -3* 7* 7 7*
Not much mon-ey Oh! by hon-ey
-7* -7* -7 -7*
Ain’t we got fun
8 -8 8 -9* -5*
The rent’s un-paid dear
-5* -5* -6 7 -7*
We have-n’t a car
-7* -7 7 -9 -5
But an-y-way dear
8 8 -7* -7 7
We�ll stay as we are
-3* 7 -6* 7 -3* 7 -6* 7
Ev-en if we owe the gro-cer
7* 7* 7 7*
Don�t we have fun
-3* 7* 7 7* -3* 7* 7 7*
Tax col-lec-tor get-ting clos-er
-7* -7* -7 -7*
Still we have fun
8 -8 8 -9 -9*
There�s noth-ing sur-er
10 -10 -9* -9 8 8 -7* -9* -5* -6
The rich get rich and the poor get poor-er
7 7 -6* 7 7 7 -6* 7
In the mean-time in be-tween time
-7* -6 7 -5*
Ain’t we got fun.

Ain’t We Got Fun? Lyrics

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Ain’t We Got Fun? Harmonica Tab

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