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Ain’t She Sweet Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Any
Harp Type: Diatonic

Ain’t She Sweet Harmonica Tab

Ain’t She Sweet
Words: Jack Yellen
Music: Milton Ager

-6 -6   -6’ 6

Oh ain’t she sweet,

-6   -6 6   -6   -6 -6’ -6’ 6

Well see her walk-ing down the street.

-6 6 7   7   -7 -7 -6 -6 -6 6   -5
Yes I ask you ver-y con-fi-den-tial-ly.

5     -4 4

Ain’t she sweet?

-6 -6   -6’ 6

Oh ain’t she nice,

-6   -6 6   -6 -6 -6’ -6’ 6

Well look her o-ver once or twice.

-6 6 7   7   -7 -7 -6 -6 -6 6   -5

Yes I ask you ver-y con-fi-den-tial-ly.

5     -4  4

Ain’t she nice?

7   7   7 7

Just cast an eye

7 7   7 7   6

In her di-rec-tion.

7 7 7 7

Oh me oh my,

7     7   7   7   6

Ain’t that per-fec-tion?

-6 -6 -6’ 6

Oh  I re-peat

-6   -6  6   -6   -6  -6’  -6’ 6

Well don’t you think that’s kind of neat?

-6 6 7   7   -7 -7 -6 -6 -6 6   -5

Yes I ask you ver-y con-fi-den-tial-ly.

5     -4 4

Ain’t she sweet?

Ain’t She Sweet Lyrics

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Ain’t She Sweet Harmonica Tab

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