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Groovin’ (chrom) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Bb
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Groovin’ (chrom) Harmonica Tab

By: Felix Cavaliere, Edward Brigati, Jr.
The Young Rascals
Key: Bb

-5 5 -3* -3* 3 -3* 3 -3* -3* 3 -2
Groov-in’ on a Sun-day af-ter-noon
-5 5 -3* -3* 3 -3* 3 -3* -3* 3 -2
Real-ly could-n’t get a-way too soon
-2 -5 5 5 -3*-3* 3 -3* 3 4 3
I can’t im-ag-ine an-y-thing that’s bet-ter
-2 -5 5 5 -3* -3* 3 -3* -3* -1 1
The world is ours when-ev-er we’re to-geth-er
-2 -5 5 5 -3* -3* -3* -5*-5* -5 5
There ain’t a place I’d like to be in-stead of

-5 5 -3* -3* 3 -3* 3 -3*-3*3-2
Groov-in’ down a crowd-ed av-e-nue
-55-3*-3* 3 -3* 3 -3* -3* 3-2
Do-in’ an-y-thing we’d like to do
-2 -5 5 5 -3* -3*
There’s al-ways lots of things
3 -3* 3 4 3
that we could see
-2 -5 5 5 -3*-3* 3 -3* -3* -1 1
We could be an-y-one we’d like to be
-2 -5 5 5 -3* -3* -3* -5* -5* -5
And all those hap-py peo-ple we could meet
5 -5 -5-3*-3*3 -3* 3 -3* -3* 3 -2
Just groov-in’ on a Sun-day af-ter-noon
-5 5-3* -3* 3 -3* 3 -3* -3* 4
Real-ly, could-n’t get a-way too soon
-5 5 -3* 3
No, no, no, no
-2 -5 5 5 -3* -3* 3 -3* 3 4 3
We’ll keep on spend-in’ sun-ny days this way
-2 -5 5 5 -3* -3* 3 -3* -3*-1 1
We’re gon-na talk and laugh our time a- way
-2 -5 5 5 -3* -3* -3* -3* 3 4 3
I feel it com-in’ clos-er day by day
-5* -5* -5*-5* -5 -5
Life would be ec-sta-sy,
5 5 5 -5 5 -5
You and me end-less-ly
-5 5-3*-3* 3 -3* 3 -3* -3* 3 -2
Groov-in’ on a Sun-day af-ter-noon
-5 5-3* -3* 3 -3* 3 -3* -3* 5
Real-ly could-n’t get a-way too soon
-5 5 -3* 3
No, no, no, no
-5 5-3*
Groov-in’, ah ha ah ha
-5 5-3*
Groov-in’, ah ha ah ha

Groovin’ (chrom) Lyrics

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Groovin’ (chrom) Harmonica Tab

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