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Deer Dance Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Bb
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Deer Dance Harmonica Tab

4   5 5 5   5 5 5
Circumventing circuses
5 5 5   5 -5 5
lamenting in protest
5 5 5 5 -6 6
to visible police
5 -5   5 -5     5
presence sponsored fear
-3” 6 6   6 -6 6 6 6
batallions of riot police
6   -6 -6 -6 -6   -6 6
with rubber bullet kisses
5 -6 -6 6 5
baton courtesy
6 -5     -5 -5 5
service with a smile


2 -3” -3   4 -4 5 5   5   5   5 -5 5 -4 4 -3
Beyond the Staples Center you can see America()
-3” -3   4 -4 5   5 5 5   -5 5
with its tired poor avenging disgrace
-3” -3   4 -4   5     5 5   5 -5 5 -4 4 -3
peaceful loving youth against the brutality()
2   5 5     5 5 5
of plastic existence

4 4     4 4   4 4
(pushing little children
4   4     4 4   4 4 4 4
with their fully automatics
4   4   4   4   4   4   4 4
they like to push the weak around
4 4     4 4   4 4
pushing little children
4     4   4 4   4 4 4 4
with their fully automatics)
6   -6   -6 -6 -6   -6 -7 7 -7 -6
they like to push the weak a-ro-u-nd


6   6 -6 6
A’rush of wo-rds
-6 -6   6   -6 -6 -6’
pleading to dis-pe-rse

-2” -6 -6 -6 -7 7   -8 -7
upon your naked walls, alive
4 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6’
A political  ca-ll
-5 -6   -6 -6 -6 -7 -6 -6’
the fall guy a-cc-o-r-d
[spoken]:we can’t afford to be neutral on a moving train


-3” -3” -3   4 -4 5 5   5   5   5 -5 5 -4 4 -3
Beyond the Staples Center you can see America()

-3” -3   4 -4 5   5 5 5   -5 5
with its tired poor avenging disgrace
-3” -3   4 -4   5     5 5   5 -5 5 -4 4 -3
peaceful loving youth against the brutality()
2   5 5     5 5 5
of plastic existence

4 4     4 4   4 4
(pushing little children
4   4     4 4   4 4 4 4
with their fully automatics
4   4   4   4   4   4   4 4
they like to push the weak around
4 4     4 4   4 4
pushing little children
4     4   4 4   4 4 4 4
with their fully automatics
4     4   4   4   4   4 4 -6 8
they like to push the weak a)-ro-und


4   4   -4 5 -3
push them a-ro-und
-3 4 -3   -3”   -3” -3” -3” -3” -3 4 -3”
A de-er dance,  invitation    to pea-ce
4   4 4   4 4   4 4 -4 -3 3
war staring you in the faaaaaace, [whispered]:(dressed in black)
-3 -3 4 -3 -3” 4 -3”
with a he-l-met, fie-rce
-3”   -3” -3” -3 4 4 4   4   4 -3 3 3
trained and appropriate for the mal-co-n-tents
3   3   3 -3” -3 4   -3 4 -3 -3
for the disproportioned mal-co-n-tents.
1 4 5   5   5     5 5   5 5   5   5   5
A little boy smiled, it’ll all be well and see
5 5 5   5   5    5 5   5 6 6 -6
A little boy smile, it’ll all be we-ll

-6 -6   -6 -6   -6 -6
Pushing little children
-6   -6   -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6
with their fully automatics
-6   -6   -6 -6 -6 -6   -6 -6
they like to push the weak around
4 4     4 4   4 4
(Pushing little children
4   4     4 4 4 4 4 4
with their fully automatics
4   4   4   4   4   4   4 4
they like to push the weak around
4 4   4 4   4   4
Pushing little children
4   4     4 4   4 4 4 4
with their fully automatics
4   4   4   4   4   4   4 4
they like to push the weak around
4   4   4   4 4
Push the weak around (x3)
4   4   4   4   4   4   4 4
They like to push the weak around.

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Deer Dance Harmonica Tab

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