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Black is the Colour Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Beginner

Black is the Colour Harmonica Tab

5 5 (3)” 4
Black is the colour

(3) 4 (4) (3) (3)”
of my true love’s hair.

5 5 5 (6)
Her lips are like

6 (6)(7)6 5
some roses fair

5 5 5 (6)
She has the sweetest smile

6 (6) (7) (6) 6 5
and the gentlest hands

5 5 (3)” 4
And I love the ground

(3) 4 (4) (3) (3)”
whereon she stands.

Or you can play higher, without bends:

(6) (6) (4) (5)
5 (5) 6 5 (4)
(6) (6) (6) (8)
7 (8) 8 7 (6)
(6) (6) (6) (8)
7 (8) 8 (8) 7 (6)
(6) (6) (4) (5)
5 (5) 6 5 (4)

I love my love and well she knows
I love the ground whereon she goes
I wish the day it soon would come
When she and I could be as one

I go to the Clyde and I mourn and weep
For satisfied I ne’er can be
I write her a letter just a few short lines
And suffer death a thousand times

Black is the colour of my true love’s hair.
Her lips are like some roses fair
She had the sweetest smile and the gentlest hands
And I love the ground whereon she stands.

Black is the Colour Lyrics

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Black is the Colour Harmonica Tab

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