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And All That Jazz (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

And All That Jazz (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

W: Fred Ebb
M: John Kander
From: �Chicago�
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Key: C, Db, D, C

Key: C
6 6 5
Come on, babe
5 -5 5 6 6 5
Why don�t we paint the town?
-5* 6 7 7
And all that jazz

7 -7 7 6 6 5
I’m gon-na rouge my knees
5 -5 5 6 6 5
And roll my stock-ings down
-5* 6 7 7
And all that jazz

-8 -8 7
Start the car
7 -7 7 -8 -8 7
I know a whoop-ee spot
-7 7 8 8 7*
Where the gin is cold
7* -7* 7* 8 8 7*
But the pi-an-o’s hot

5 -5 -5* 6 6 5
It’s just a nois-y hall
-4 5 -5 6 6 7
Where there’s a night-ly brawl
-7 -5* -5 5
And all that jazz

Key: Db
-6 -6 5*
Slick your hair
5* -5* 5* -6 -6 5*
And wear your buck-le shoes
6 -6 7* 7*
And all that jazz

7* -7* 7* -6 -6 5*
I hear that Fath-er Dip
5* -5* 5* -6 -6 5*
Is gon-na blow the blues
6 -6 7* 7*
And all that jazz

8 8 7*
Hold on, hon’
7* -7* 7* 8 8 7*
We’re gon-na bun-ny hug
7* -7* 7* 8* 8* -7
I bought some as-pi-rin
-7 -8 -7 8* 8* -7
Down at U-nit-ed Drug
5* -5 6 -6 -6 5*
In case we shake a-part
5 5* -5* -6 -6 7*
And wan-na brand new start
-7* 6 -5* 5*
To do that jazz

Key: D
-9 -7 -8 -7 -8 -7
Oh, I�m gon-na see my
-6* -6 -6* -7 -7
She-ba shim-my shake
-10 -10* -11 -11
And all that jazz

-9 -7 -8 -7 -8 -7
Oh, she’s gon-na shim-my
-6* -6 -6* -7 -7
Till her gar-ters break
-10 -10* -11 -11
And all that jazz

10 -7 -8 -7 -8 -7 -8 -7
Show her where to park her gir-dle
-10 -7* 8 -7* 8 -7* 8 -7*
Oh, her moth-er’s blood-‘d cur-dle
-9 -7 -8 -7 -9 -7 -8
If she’d hear her ba-by’s queer
-7 -6 6 -5
For all that jazz

Key: C
6 6 5
Find a flask
5 -5 5 6 6 5
We’re play-ing fast and loose
-5* 6 7 7
And all that jazz
-5* 6 7 7
And all that jazz

6 6 5
Right up here
5 -5 5 6 6 5
Is where I store the juice
-5* 6 7 7
And all that jazz
-5* 6 7 7
And all that jazz

-8 -8 7
Come on, babe
7 -7 7 -8 -8 7
We’re gon-na brush the sky
7 -7 7 8 8
I bet-cha luck-y
7* 7* -7* 7* 8 8 7*
Lin-dy nev-er flew so high

5 -5 -5* 6 6 5
‘Cause in the stra-to-sphere
5 -5 -5* 6 6 7
How could he lend an ear
-7 -5* -5 (5�8) (octave)
To all that jazz?

|109-9-9*109-9-9*|1011 -9*1011 -9*|10 11 11 |
|10 10-9*109-9-9*|109-9-9*109-9-9*|
|1011 -9*1011 -9*|10 11 11..|
|-12 -12-11*-1211-11-11*|

8 7 -7 7 -7
No, I’m no one’s wife
-7 8 7 -7 7 -7
But, oh, I love my life
7 8 8 -9*-99
And all that jazz

That jazz (spoken)

And All That Jazz (Chromatic) Lyrics

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And All That Jazz (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

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