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Amazing Grace 2nd Position Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Amazing Grace 2nd Position Harmonica Tab

Amazing Grace
C Harp
Played in 2nd Position
* = Bend (You decide how much)

A ma zing grace how sweet the sound
1d2b2d 3b3d3b3d* 3d* 3b 2b3b2d1d

that saved a wretch like me
1d2b2d 3b3d3b3d* 3d* 4d

I once was lost
3d 4d 3d 4d 3d 2d*

but now I am found
3d3d 3b 2b3b2b1d

I was blind but now I see
1d1d2d* 3b3d3b3d* (2d**2d)
“C” Harp
Played in the key of “G”
Cross Harp / 2nd Posistion

-1 2-2 -3 -2-3
A-ma-z-ing Grace!

-3 3 2 3 2-1
How sweet the sound,

-1-1 -2 -3-2 -3 -3 -4 (Add -3-4-3-4)
That saved a wrentch like me. (or not)

-3 -4 -3-4 -3-2
I once was lost

-3 -2 2-22 -1
but now I am found,

-1-1 -2 -3 -2-3 -2**-2 (or 2-2)
was blind, but now I see. (I See)

** bend down 2 steps from “G” to “F”

Amazing Grace 2nd Position Lyrics

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Amazing Grace 2nd Position Harmonica Tab

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