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A Time For Love Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: F
Harp Type: Any
Skill: Beginner

A Time For Love Harmonica Tab

A Time for Love

Words & Music by Johnny Mandel &

Paul Francis Webster
Recorded by Tony Bennett (Bb),

Barbra Striesand,(F) and,

Diane Schuur,1986 (in F)

(Key of F)

5  6   -6   7    -7   -7*
A time for sum - mer skies, 
-7   7   -7      7    
For hum-ming - birds 
-6   6  -6   6
and but-ter-flies,
-5    5  -5    5     
For  ten-der words 
-3*  -3 -3* -3    3   2
that har-mo-nize with love.

5   6  -6   7     -7   -7*
A time for climb-ing hills,
-7    7   -7  7 -6   6  -6   6
For lean-ing out of win-dow-sills
-5 5  -5  5  -3* -3 -3*  -3   3  7
Ad-mi-ir-ing the daf-fo-dills a-bove.

-5   6     -6   -7    -5    -5       -5  -5   -7 
A time for hol-ding hands to-ge-ther,
6  -6    -6*      7     5     5     5     7      7 
A time for rain-bow-col-ored wea-ther,
-6   6     -5   -6    -3*   -3*       
A time for make-be-lieve 
-3*  -3*    -6    6   -5 -66 
that we've been dream-ing of.

5   6    -6    7     -7  -7*
As time goes drift - ing by,
-7   7  -7    7    -6  6  -6 6
The wil-low bends, and so do I,
-5   5   -5    5     
But  oh, my friends, 
-3* -3 -3* -3   3    7
what-ev-er sky  a - bove
 7      -7*   -7  7   -6    6  
I've known  a  time for spring, 
-5   5   -5   5
a  time for fall,
-3*  -3 -3* -3  -3* 3    7   -6
But most of all, a time for love.

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A Time For Love Harmonica Tab

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