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Don’t Know Much Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

Don’t Know Much Harmonica Tab

By: Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil, Tom Snow
Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville
Key: C, Eb

6 -5 6 -5
Look at this face
-3 5 -3 5 -3 5 -5
I know the years are show-in’
6 -6 7 7-77
Look at this life
7 -7 8 -7 8 -7 8 -9
I still don’t know where it’s go-in’

-7 8 10 9-99
I don’t know much
7 7 -8 -9 8 -77-6
But I know I love you
7 -9 7 10-99
And that may be
9 10 -9-8 8 8
All I need to know

6 -5 5 -5
Look at these eyes
-3 5 -3 5 -3 5 -5
They’ve nev-er seen what mat-tered
6 -6 7 -7 7
Look at these dreams
-7 8 -7 8 -7 8 -9
So beat-en and so bat-tered

-7 8 10 -99-9
I don’t know much
7 7 -8 -9 8 -77-6
But I know I love you
7 -9 7 10-99
And that may be
9 10 -9 -8 8 8
All I, I need to know

-7 8 -7 8 -9
So man-y quest-ions
-8 -8 7 -8 8
Still left un-an-swered
-7 -7 -7 -7 7 7 6 7 -5 6
So much I’ve nev-er bro-ken through

-5* -5* -5* 7 -6 -5* -6
And when I feel you near me
-5 5 -5 -6 -5* -5 -5*
Some-times I see so clear-ly
8 8 8 8 -7* -7*-9* -9*
The on-ly truth I’ve ev-er known
-7*-9*-9* 1111*11-10
Is me and you

Key: Eb

7 -6 -5* -6
Look at this man
5 -5* 5 -5* 5 -5* -6
So blessed with in-spi-ra-tion
7 7* -7* 8-7*
Look at this soul
8 -9* 9 -9* 9 -9* -10
Still search-ing for sal-va-tion

9 -9* 11 -10-9*-10
I don’t know much
-7*-7* -9 -10 -9* 9-7*7*
But I know I love you
-7* -10 -7* 11-10-9*
And that may be
-9* 11 -10-9-9* -9*
All I need to know

9 -9* 11 -10-9*-10
I don’t know much
-7*-7* -9 -10 -9* 9-7*7*
But I know I love you
-7* -10 -7* 11-10-9*
And that may be
-9* 11 -10-9-9* -9*
All I need to know

9 -9* 11 -10-9*-10
I don’t know much
-7*-7* -9 -10 -9* 9-7*7*
But I know I love you
-7* -10 -7* 11-10-9*
And that may be
-9* 11 -10-9-9* -9*
All I need to know

Don’t Know Much Lyrics

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Don’t Know Much Harmonica Tab

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