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America (My Country Tis of Thee)Chrom Quartet Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: G
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

America (My Country Tis of Thee)Chrom Quartet Harmonica Tab

America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee) Harp Quartet Chromatic
Music by Henry Carey
Lyrics by Samuel Francis Smith & Henry Van Dyke (verses 5 & 6)
Key of G Major		Quartet Range C3 to E5

Requires two 12 Hole “C” chromatics, and either two 12 hole tenor “C” chromatics
or two 16 hole “C” chromatics.

1st and 2nd harpists use standard 12 hole chromatic.
3rd and 4th harpists use either 12 hole Tenor “C” chromatic or 16 hole chromatic.

Tab Notations:	none = blow    - = draw   * = button in
____= hold    . = lower register (Notes below Middle C; first 4 of either 16 hole chromatic or 12 hole Tenor “C” chromatic)

3/4 Time

1st    3   3    -3     -2*__  3   -3
2nd    -1  2    2      -1___ 2    -2*
   1. My  coun-try   ‘tis__ of   thee,
   2. My  na - tive   coun- try, thee,
   3. Let mu - sic    swell the  breeze,
   4. Our fa - ther's God   to,  Thee,
   5. We  love thine  in_ - land seas,
   6. Thy sil--ver    Eas - tern strands,
3rd   -.4  -.4  .4     -.3__ -.3  -1
4th    .3   .2  .1     -.1__ -.1  -.1

1st    -4    -4     4    -4___ -3   3
2nd    3     3      3    3____ -2*  2
   1. Sweet land   of   lib – er - ty,
   2. Land  of     the  no_ - ble  free,
   3. And   ring   from all__ the  trees
   4. Au -- thor   of   li_ - ber- ty,
   5. Thy   groves and  gi__- ant  trees,
   6. Thy   Gold - en   Gate  that stands,
3rd    -1    2      2    -1___ 1    -.4
4th    .3   .2     .1    -.1__ -.1* .2

1st    -3    3    -2*   3_____
2nd    2     -1   -1    -1____
   1. Of    thee I     sing__:
   2. Thy   name I     love__.
   3. Sweet free-dom's song.
   4. To    Thee we    sing.
   5. Thy   roll-ing   plains;
   6. Front-ing  the   West;
3rd    .4    -.4  -.3   -.4
4th    .1    -.1  -.1   .3

1st    -5   -5    -5   -5____  5     -4
2nd    -4   -4    -4   -4____  -3    3
   1. Land where my   fa -    thers died!
   2. I    love  thy  rocks   and   rills,
   3. Let  mor - tal  tongues a  -  wake;
   4. Long may   our  land    be    bright
   5. Thy  riv - er’s migh -- ty    sweep,
   6. Thy Flow – ‘ry  South – land  fair,
3rd    -1  -1     -1   -1____  -1    -1
4th    .3  -.4    -1   .3____  .3    .3

1st    4    4       4     4_____ -4     -3
2nd    -3   -3      -3    -3____ 3      -2*
   1. Land of      the   Pil -- grim's pride!
   2. Thy  woods   and   tem -- pled   hills;
   3. Let  all     that  breathe par - take;
   4. With free--  dom's ho___ - ly    light;
   5. Thy  my --   stic  can__ - yons  deep,
   6. Thy  North’s sweet, crys - tal   air:
3rd    -1   -1      -1     -1___  -1    -1
4th    -.1  -.2*    -.3    -.1__  -.1   -.1

1st    -4   4 -4 -3 3    -4__ 4    -5
2nd    3    3    3       3___ -2*  3
   1. From ev – ry___   moun-tain-side,
   2. My   he-a-rt with rap--ture fills
   3. Let  rocks  their si - lence break,
   4. Pro- tect us____  by   Thy  might,
   5. Thy  moun-tains   wild and  steep,--
   6. Oh   Land__  be - yond com- pare,
3rd    -1   2 -1 1 -.4   -1__ -1   -1
4th    .3  .3    .3      .3__ -.3  -.4

1st    6   5    -4   -3   3________
2nd    3        3    -2*  3________
   1. Let_____ free-dom  ring!____
   2. Like____ that a -- bove.____
   3. The_____ sound pro-long.____
   4. Great___ God, our  King!____
   5. All_____ thy  do - mains.___
   6. We______ love thee best!____
3rd    1   2    -1   1    -.4______
4th    1        -1   -.1  .3_______

America (My Country Tis of Thee)Chrom Quartet Lyrics

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America (My Country Tis of Thee)Chrom Quartet Harmonica Tab

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