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All The Way Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Eb
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

All The Way Harmonica Tab

By Sammy Kahn & James Van Heusen

When some-bod-y loves you
7 7* 7* 7 7 -3*
It�s no good un-less he loves you
4 -5* 7 7* 7* 7 7 -4
all the way
-9 9 7
Hap-py to be near you
-7* 8 8 -7* -7* -6
When you need some-one to cheer you
7 7* -7* 8 8 -7* -7* -6
all the way
-6 -5* -7*
Tal-ler than the tal-lest tree is
8 8 -8 8 -9 8 -7* 7*
That�s how it�s got to feel
7 7 7* 7 -6 -5*
Deep-er than the deep blue see is
8 8 -8 8 -9 8 -7* 7*
That�s how deep it goes — if its real
7 -6 -5* -5 -5* -6 7 7*

When some-bod-y needs you
7 7* 7* 7 7 -3*
It�s no good un-less he needs you
4 -5* 7 7* 7* 7 7 -4
all the way
-9 8 7
Through the good or lean years
-7* 8 8 -7* -7* -6
And for all the in be-tween years
7 7* -7* 8 8 -7* -7* -6
come what may
-6 -5* -7*

Who knows where the road will lead us
8 8 -8 8 -9 8 -7* 7*
On-ly a fool would say
7 7 7* 7 -6 -5*
But if you�ll let me love you
-6 7 7* 7* 7 7 -3*
It�s for sure I�m gon-na love you
4 -5* 7 7* 7* 7 7 -7*
all the way, all the way
8 -6 -7* 7* -5 -5*


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All The Way Harmonica Tab

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