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When you wore a Tulip and I wore a rose (Diatonic) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Any
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

When you wore a Tulip and I wore a rose (Diatonic) Harmonica Tab

When you wore a tulip,

and I wore a big red rose.



For Sandra, hope it’s not too late,

Tabbed from sheet music written in

The key of Bb 2/4 time. This tab can be

played on any key harmonica when playing


2.vs Tempo di Marcia(Not too fast)

And chorus (slowly)



6 8 -8   8 -8 8   6 -6 6 -5 -8 8 -8

I/met you in a/gar-den in an/old Kentucky/

-6   7   7 -7   -8 -7   -6   -7

Town, the/sun was shin-ing/down, you/

7   8 -7 -6   6   6   8   -8   8 -8

Wore a ging-ham/gown I/kissed you, as I/

8   6 -6   6 -5 -8 8 -8   -6   7

Placed a yel-low/tul-ip in your/hair, up-/

7 -7 -8 -7   -6   6 -8   8 7~~~~~

On my coat you/pinned a rose so/rare~~~/

~~ -7

~~ time/

-6 -9   -9     8   8 -8 -7     -6

Has not changed your/lov-li-ness, you’re/

6   8   8   -8 8   8 -9   8 -8 7

Just as sweet to/me, I/love you yet,I/

7   -6   6 -6   -8   -8   7   -8 -9

Can’t for-get the/days that used to/be//



6     6   6 -6 7 7 -8   8   8 -8

When//: you wore a/tul-ip, a/sweet yel-low/

7 8 -8 7 7 -7 7 -6   6~~~~~~~~~~

Tul-ip and/I wore a/big red/rose~~~/~~~~/

-6 -9 8     -9   -6   -6   6   8 -8

When you ca-/ressed me ‘twas/then Heav-en/

8   6   -6 6 -5   -8   -8 8

Blessed me, what a/bles-sing,/no one/

-8~~~~~~~~~~ 6   6   -6   7   7   -8

Knows~~~/~~~~/you made life/cheer-ie when/

8     8   -8   7 8     -8   7     7   -7

You called me/dear-ie, ‘twas/down where the/

7     -8   -7~~~~~~~~ -7   7   -7

Blue grass/grows,~~~/~ your lips were/

-6   8   -8  8 -9   8   -6   -8   -7

Sweet-er than//jul-ep, when/ you wore that/

-8 8 -6 7 -7 -6 -7-6 -8   7~~~~~~~~

Tul-ip and/I wore a/ big red/rose~~~/~~ /


2nd v.

The/love you vowed to/cheri-sh has not/

Fal-tered thro’the/years you/

ban-ish all my/fears, your/voice like music/

cheers, you/are the same sweet/girl I knew in/

hap-py days of/old, your/hair is sil-ver/

but your heart is /gold /red ros-es blush no/

long-er in your/cheeks so sweet and /

fair, It/seems to me, dear,/I can see white/

ros-es bloom-ing/there//

When you wore a Tulip and I wore a rose (Diatonic) Lyrics

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When you wore a Tulip and I wore a rose (Diatonic) Harmonica Tab

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