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Mansion Over The Hilltop(Melody Maker) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: G
Harp Type: Melody Maker
Skill: Any

Mansion Over The Hilltop(Melody Maker) Harmonica Tab

Mansion Over The Hilltop
Melody Maker

3 -4 -4 4 3 -5 -5 -5 5 -4 4
I’m sat-is fied with just a cot-tage be-low,

4 4 -4 -3 -2 -4 -4 4 -3 4
a lit-tle sil-ver and a lit-tle gold;

3 -3 -3 4 3 -5 -5 -5 5 -4 4
But in that cit-y where the ran-somed will shine,

4 -4 -4 5 -4 4 5 -5 6 -5
I want a gold one thats sil-v-er lined.


-5 -5 -5 -5 -4 -5 6 -5 -4 4 3
I’ve got a man-sion just o-ver the hill-top,

4 -4 -4 5 -4 5 -4 4 -3 4
In that bright land where we’ll nev-er grow old;

-5 -5 -5 -5 -4 -5 5 6 -5 -4 4 3
And some-day yon-der we will nev-er-more wan-der,

4 -4 -4 5 -4 4 5 6 -5
But walk the streets that are pur-est gold.

verse 2
Tho oft-en tempt-ed, tor-ment-ed and test-ed
And, like the proph-et, my pil-low a stone,
And tho I find here no per-ma-nent dwell-ing,
I know He’ll give me man-sion my own.

verse 3
Don’t think me poor or de-sert-ed or lone-ly
I’m not dis-cour-aged, I’m heav-en – bound;
I’m just a pil-grim in search of a cit-y,
I want a man-sion, a harp and crown.

Mansion Over The Hilltop(Melody Maker) Lyrics

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Mansion Over The Hilltop(Melody Maker) Harmonica Tab

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