It’s De-Lovely Harmonica Tab
It’s De-Lovely Harmonica Tab
By Cole Porter
From Red, Hot, & Blue
Key: F
4 1 1 1 1 1* 1* 1*
The night is young, the skies are clear
1* -1 -1 -1 1* 1 -3 -3 -3
And if you want to go walk-in’, dear
4 -3 4 -3 4 -3 4 -3
It’s de-light-ful, it’s de-lic-ious,
4 -3 4 -3*
it’s de-love-ly
-5-1 -1 -1 -1 -1* -1* -1*
I un-der-stand the rea-son why
-1* 2 2 2 -1*
You’re sen-ti-men-tal,
-1 -3*-3*-3*
‘cause so am I
-5 -3* -5 -3* -5 -3* -5 -4
It’s de-light-ful, it’s de-lic-ious,
-5 -4 -5 5
it’s de-love-ly
-5 5 -5* 4 -3 3 -2 -1* -1 -1*
You can tell at a glance what a swell night
2 -2 3 -3* -5
this is for ro-mance
4 -3* 4* -3* 3 -2 1* -3*
You can hear, dear Moth-er Na-ture
3 -2 -1 1 4 4 4 4
Mur-mur-ing low “Let your-self go”
4 1 1 1 1 1* 1* 1*
So please be sweet, my chick-a-dee
1* -1 -1 -1 1* 1 -3 -3 -3
And when I kiss ya, just say to me
4 -3 4 -3 4 -3 4 -3
“It’s de-light-ful, it’s de-lic-ious,
4 -3 4 4 -3 4 -3 4 4 -3
it’s de-lec-ta-ble, it’s de-lir-i-ous,
4 -3 4 -3 4 -3 4 -3
It’s di-lem-ma, it’s de lim-it,
4 -3 4 -5 5 -5 -2
it’s de-luxe, it’s de-love-ly”
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