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Buckeye Battle Cry Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Beginner

Buckeye Battle Cry Harmonica Tab

Buckeye Battle Cry

Ohio State Uni fight song 2

8 -8 8 7 -6 6
Drive, Drive on down the field,

7 7 7 -8 7 -8 -9
Men of the Scar-let and Gray.

-9 8 -9 -8 -7 6
Don’t let them through that line

-7 -6 -6 6 -8 7 -8 8
We have to win this game to-day!

9 9 9 -9 9
Come On O-hi-o

8 -8 8 7 -6 6
Smash through to vic-to-ry,

6 7 8 -8 7 -9
we cheer you as you go.

-6 7 -7 7 -8 7 8 -8 8 9
Our ho-nour de-fend, we’ll fight to the end

-9 8 -8 7
For O Hi O


Buckeye Battle Cry Lyrics

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Buckeye Battle Cry Harmonica Tab

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