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Broken Vow Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: D
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Broken Vow Harmonica Tab

-2 4 -4 5 -5b -4 -4 5
Tell me his name I want to know

-2 4 -4 5 -5b -4 -5 -4
the way he looks and where you go.

4 5 -5 -5 -5b 5
I need to see his face

-5b -5 -6b -6b 5 -5b -3b
I need to un-der-stand why

-3b 4 -5b 5 4 -4 -4
you and I came to an end.

VERSE 2 same as 1

Tell me a-gain I want to hear
who broke my faith in all these years.
Who lays with you at night while I’m here all alone =
Remembering when I was your own?


-5 -6b -6 7 7 -6 -6b -6
I let you go I let you fly

-3b 5 -6 -6b -6b -6 7 -6 5 -6b -6 7
Why do I keep on ask-ing why I let you go

7 -6 -6b -5 -6b -6 7 -5 -5b 5
Now that I’ve found a way to keep some-how

-6b -6 7 -5 -5b 5
More than a bro-ken vow.


-2 4 -4 5 -5b -4 4 5
Tell me the words I nev-er said.

-2 4 -4 5 -5 -4 -5b 5
Show me the tears you nev-er shed.

4 5 -5 -6b
Give me the touch,

-6b -5 -5b -5 -5b -5b 5 -5b
the one you pro-mised to be mine.

-3b -3 4 -5b 5 -5 -7 -4
Or has it van-ished for all time?



-5 -5b 5 -3b 5 -5 -5b -6
I close my eyes, and dream of you

-6b -6b -5b -5b -5 -5b -6b -6
and I and then I re- al-ize

-5b -6b -6 -7 7 7 -6
There’s more to love than on-ly

-6 -6b 7 -6 -6
bit-ter-ness and lies.

-5 -6 -6b -5
I close my eyes.

4 5 -5 -6b -6b -5 -5b -5 -5b -5b 5 -5b
I’d give a-way my soul to hold you once a-gain

-3b -3 4 -5b 5 -5 -7 -4
And nev-er let this pro-mise end.


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Broken Vow Harmonica Tab

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