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Broken Land Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: F
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Broken Land Harmonica Tab

5 -6b 5 -6b -6 -6b
These riv-ers run too deep

5 -6b 5 -6b -4 -6b -6 -6b -5 5
With schemes of men for days that lay a-head

5 -6b 5 7 -7 -7
They sell their souls so cheap

5 -6b 5 -6b -4
They breed mis-trust and

-6b -6 -6b -5 5
fill my heart with dread.

-6 7 -7 -7 -6 -5 -6 -6b
When did the boy be-come a man

4 7 7 -6 -5 5
and lose his life to learn

-6 7 -7 -7 -6 -5 -6 -6b
So much con-fu-sion to this plan

5 -5 -5 -5 -6b -5
These times are not chang-ing.

7 -6 -6b -5b -6b -6b -5b -6b -6b -6
Show me the love to keep us to-geth-er

-6 7 -6 -6b -5b
O-pen up your hearts

-6b -6b -5b -6b -5b
Don’t turn me a-way

7 -6 -6b -5b -6b -6b -5b -6b -6
Com-fort me through this stor-my wea-ther

5 -6 -6 -5b
From where I stand

5 -5b 5 -5b -6b -5b
I see a bro-ken land.

VERSE 2 same as 1
This boy has learned to fail
In times like these to cry seems so absurd.
His own life’s crisis pales
In the shadow of this truly dying world.
These are the games we played at school
Our hands raised in despair
with no exception to the rule
These times ore not changing.

7 -6 -6b -5b -6b -6b -5b -6b -6b -6
Show me the love to keep us to-geth-er

7 -6 -6b -5b -6b -6b -5b -6b -6b -6
Where is the love to keep us to-geth-er


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Broken Land Harmonica Tab

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