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Beulah Land 2nd Version Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: G
Harp Type: Diatonic

Beulah Land 2nd Version Harmonica Tab

6 8 -8 7 6 -6 7 -6 6
I’m kind of home-sick for a count-ry

6 (7 -8) (8 -9)(9 -9 -9) 9 -8 8
To whi-ch I-‘ve ne–ver been be-fore

6 8 -8 7 6 -6 7 -6 6
No sad good-byes will there be spok-en

6 7 -8 8 -9 9 -9 9 8 -8 7
For ti-me wo-n’t ma-tt-er any-more


8 9 9 (-10 9) 8 -8 7 8 -8 7
Beul-ah Land, I-‘m lon-g-ing f-or you

8 9 9 (-10 9) 8 -8 7 (8-98-8)
And some day o – n th-ee I’ll sta-nd

7 8 9 (-10 9) 8-8 (78 8-8 7)
There my home sh-all b-e e-ter-nal

8 9 9 -10 9 8 -8 7
Beul-ah Land — Swe-et Beul-ah Land

Verse 2

6 8 -8 7 6 -6 7 -6 6
I’m look-ing now ac-ross the ri-ver

6 (7-88-9) 9 -9 -9 9 -8 8
where my fai-th will end in sight

6 8 -8 7 6 -6 7 -6 6
There’s just a few more days to la-bor

6 (7-8) 8 -9 9 -9 9 8 -8 7
Then I wi-ll ta-ke my hea-venly flight

Beulah Land 2nd Version Lyrics

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Beulah Land 2nd Version Harmonica Tab

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