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Better Dig Two (G Diatonic Solo 12th Position) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Diatonic

Better Dig Two (G Diatonic Solo 12th Position) Harmonica Tab

Better Dig Two (G Diatonic Solo 12th Position)
Words & Music by Brandy Clark, Shane McAnally, Trevor Rosen
Performed by The Band Perry
Key of A Minor (C Major) Vocal Range: A3 to C5
Tabbed for a key of G Richter tuned diatonic
Adapted for diatonic solo

Tab notations:
none = blow – = draw ” = full step bend
__ = hold (the longer the line, the longer the hold/sustain)
-3”_-3 = slide/slur; slide smoothly from note to note
(543) = blow chord -(432) = draw chord
3-3”4-4-56 (no spaces between notes) = very rapid notes
These represent 32nd notes & are 1/8th the duration of a
quarter note.

1 -1 -1_ -1_ -1 -1_ -1 -1_ -1_ -1 -1

-1_ -2” -3 -4_ -3”_ 5_ -3”_ -5__

-3”_ -2” -3” -4_ -3”_ 4__ -4 -3” 4 -4_

-1_ -2” -3 -4_ -3”_ 5_ -3”_ -5__

-3”_ -2” -3” -4_ -3”_ 4__ -4 -3” 4 -4_

4_ 4_ 4_ 4 4 -3_ -3”_ 3_
I_ told you on the day we__ wed

3 -2” -2 -2” 3_ 3_ -3”_ -2”_ -1_
I was gon-na love you ‘til_ I’s_ dead

4_ 4_ 4_ 4 4 -3_ -3”_ 3_
Made you wait ‘til our wed-ding night

3 -2” 3_ 3 -2” 3_ 3_ -3”_ -2”_ -1_
That’s the first and the last time I’ll wear white

1_ -2” -3” -4_ -3”_ 5_ -3”_ -5__ -1_ -2” -3” -4_ -3”_ 4__

-4 -3”

-1 -1 -1 4_ 4 4__ 4 -4 -3_ -3”_-3 3_
So if the ties that bind ev-er do_ come__ loose

-2 -2” -2 -2” -2_ 3 3 -3”_ -2”_ -1_
Tie ‘em in a knot like a hang-man’s noose

-1 4_ 4 4 4 4 4 -3__ -3” -2 -2_
‘Cause I’ll go to heav-en or I’ll go to hell

-1 3_ 3_ 3_ -2 -2” -3”_ -2”_ -1
be-fore I’ll see you with some-one_ else

(543)__ -(432)__ (43)

-2” -2” -2” -1 2_-2”_
Put me in the ground_

-2 -2” -3”_ -2”_ 2_-2”_
Put me six_ foot down__

-3” -3” -3” 4_ -4_ 4 -4_ -4 -4_ -3” 4__ -4_ -4-_
And let the stone say Here lies the girl whose on_-ly_ crutch

-3” 4 4 -4_ -4_ -2 -2” -2 -2” -2_-3” -3”_
was lov-ing one man just a lit-tle too___ much

4 -4__ -4_ 4 -4_ -4 -5_
If you_ go_ be-fore I do_

-3” -3”-3” 4 4 -4_ -4 3 3 -2” -2 -2” -3”_ -2”_
I’m gon-na tell the grave-dig-ger that he bet-ter dig_ two_

-1_ -2” -3” -4_ -3”_ 5_ -3”_ -5__

-1_ -2” -3_ -4_ -3”_ 6 -6 -5 -4 4 -3” -4_

-1 4_ 4_ 4_ 4_ -3_ -3”_ 3_
It won’t be whis-key won’t be__ meth

-2_-2” -2_ -2” -2_ -3”_ -3”__ -2”_ -1_
it’ll be_ your name on__ my___ last breath

-1 -1 4_ 4 4__ 4 -4 -3_ -3”_ 3_
If di-vorce or death ev-er do_ us__ part

-2” -2 -2”_ -2 -2” 3_ 3 -2” -3”_ -2”_ -1_
the co – ro – ner will call it a bro_-ken_ heart

(543)__ -(432)__ (43)

-1 -2” -2” -2” -1 2_-2”_
So put me in the ground

3 -2” -3”_ -2”_ 2_-2”_
Put me six_ foot down__

-3” -3” -3” 4_ -4_ 4 -4_ -4 -4_ -3” 4__ -4_ -4_
And let the stone say Here lies the girl whose on_-ly_ crutch

-3” 4 4 -4_ -4_ -2 -2” -2” -2 -2_-3” -2”_
was lov-ing one man just a lit-tle too___ much

4 -4__ -4_ 4 -4_ -4 -5_
If you_ go_ be-fore I do_

-3” -3” -3” 4 4 -4_ -4 3 3 -2” -2 -2” -3”_ -2”_
I’m gon-na tell the grave-dig-ger that he bet-ter dig_ two_

-5_ -4_
Dig two

-(432”)____ -8_ 7 -6 6 -5 -4 -9__ -8 7 -6 -6’ 6 -5 -5 5 -4 4 -4_

3-3”4-4-56 -5__ -2”3-3”4-56-67 -8__

7 -6 -87 -6 -6’ -6 6-5 -4 4 -4 7 -6 6 -6 -5 -4 4 -3” –(42”)_

-3” -4 4_ -4_4_ 4 4 4_ 3_ -2_-3”_
I took your name_ when I took those vows___

-3” 4 -4 -4_ 4_ 4 4 4_ 3 3
I meant ‘em back then and I mean ‘em right

-2____ -2’_-2 -2”_-2___ -2”_-1___
now___ oh____ right____ now______

-1 -1 4_ 4 4__ 4 4 -3_ -3”_ 3_
If the ties that bind ev-er do_ come loose

-2_ -2” -2_ -2” -2” -2 -3”_ -2”_ -1_
If_ for-ev_-er ev – er ends for_ you

4_ 4_ 4__ 4 4 -3 -3 -3”_ 3_
If that ring gets a lit-tle too_ tight

(begin slowing down –> –> –> –> sustain )
-2” -2 -2”_ 3 3_____ 3_____ -3”_____ -2”_ 2_-1_______
You might as__ well read__ me____ my______ last rites______

(back to original tempo)
-5 -5 -5 -5_ -5_ 4 -4_ -4 -4_ -3” 4__ -4_ -4_
And let the stone say Here lies the girl whose on_-ly_ crutch

-3” 4 4 -4_ -4_ 3 -2” -2 -2” -2_-3” -2”_
was lov-ing one man just a lit-tle too___ much

4 -4_ -4_ 4 -4_ -4 -5_
If you go_ be-fore I_ do_

-3” -3” -3” 4 4 -4_ -4_ 3 3 -2” -2 -2” 4_ -2”_
I’m gon-na tell the grave-dig-ger that he bet-ter dig two_

4 -4__ -4_ -3” 4__ -4_ -4_
Heav-y___ stone right next to_ mine

4 -4_ -4 -4 3 3 -2” -2_-2” -2_-2” -1_
We’ll be_ to-geth-er ‘til the end___ of____ time

-5_ -4_ -4_ 4 -4_ -4 -5__
Don’t you go_ be-fore I_ do__

-3” -3” -3” 4 4 -4_ -4 3 3 -2” -2 -2” -3”_ -2”_
I’m gon-na tell the grave-dig-ger that he bet-ter dig_ two_

4_ 4_ 4_ 4 4 -3_ -3”_ 3_
I_ told you on the day we__ wed

(ritardando – slowing down even more)
-2 -2” -2 -2” 3_ 3_ -3”_ -2”_ -1_
I was gon-na love you ‘til_ I’s_ dead

Alternate ending:
(ritardando – slowing down even more)
-2 -2” -2 -2” 3_ 3_ -3”_ -2”_ -2”_-1_
I was gon-na love you ‘til_ I’s_ dead___

Better Dig Two (G Diatonic Solo 12th Position) Lyrics

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Better Dig Two (G Diatonic Solo 12th Position) Harmonica Tab

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