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Bess You Is My Woman! Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: Bb
Harp Type: Diatonic
Skill: Any

Bess You Is My Woman! Harmonica Tab

7 8 -5 -6b -6 -6b -5
Bess, you is my wo-man now,

7 4 7 4 -4
you is, you is an’

-4 5 -5 -4 5 -6b -4
you mus’ laugh an’ sing an’ dance

5 -6 -6 -6 7 -7
for two in-stead of one.

7 8 -5 -6b -6 -6b -5
Want no wrin-kle on yo’ brow,

4 -6
No how,

-3b 7 -6 -6b -5 -5 5 -5b 5 -5b 5
Be-cause de sor-row of de past is all done

-5 5 -7 -4 8
Done Oh, Bess, my Bess!

-7 7 -6 -5 -6b -5 -6 -6 -5
da real hap-pi-ness is jes’ be-gun

8 9 -6 7 -7 7 -6
Por-gy, I’s yo’ wo-man now,

8 5 8 5
I is, I is!

-5b -5b -5 -6 -5b -5 7 -5b -5
An’ I ain’t nev-er go-in’ no-where

-7 -7 -7 8 -8
‘less you shares de fun.

8 9 -6 7 -7 7 -6
Dere’s no wrin-kle on my brow,

5 -7
No how,

-4 5 -7 8 -7 9 8 -7 8 -7
But I ain’ go-in’ You hear me say-in

7 7 -6 7 -6 8 -6 -5 -5b -5
If you ain’ go-in’, wid you I’m stay-in’

9 10 -7 8 -8 8 -7
Por-gy, I’s yo’ wo-man now!

10 -7 8 -8 8
I’s yours for-ev-er

-7 -5 -5 -5 -7 -5 -5 -5
Morn-in’ time an’ ev-‘nin’ time an’

-7 9 9 9 -7 -5 -5
Sum-mer time an’ win-ter time.

-7 -5 -5 -5 -7 -5 -5 -5
Morn-in’ time an’ ev-nin’ time an’

-7 9 9 9 -7 -5 -5
sum-mer time an’ win-ter time.

-7 -7 7 -6 -5
Bess, you got yo’ man.

7 -6 -7 7 -6 -6b -6 8 5
Bess, you is my wo-man now I is

7 8 -6b 7 7 -6
Dis life is jes’ be-gun,

-5b -5b -5b 7 -6 -6 -7 -6 -6b -6
Bess, we two is one now an’ for-ev-er.

-5 7 -6 -7 7 -6 -6b
Oh, bess, don’t min’ dose wo-men.

-5 -6b -5 -4 4 -6b -6 -6b -5 -5b
You got yo’ Por-gy you loves yo por-gy

-5 -6 -6 -6b -5
I knows you means it,

-5b -5b 5 -5b -4 -5 -6b
I seen it in yo’ eyes, Bess.

-6 -7 -6 -6
We’ll go swing-in’

-6b -5 -6 -7 -6 -6
Through de years a-sing-in’.

-7 -5 -5 -5 -7 -5 -5 -5
Morn-in’ time an’ ev-‘nin’ time an’

-7 9 9 9 -7 -5 -5
Sum-mer time an’ win-ter time.

-7 -5 -5 -5 -7 -5 -5 -5
Morn-in’ time an’ ev-nin’ time an’

-7 9 9 9 -7 -5 -5
sum-mer time an’ win-ter time

-8 8 8 -7 -8 8 8 -7
Oh, my Por-gy, my man, Por-gy.

-6b -6 -6b -6
My bess, my Bess.

-7 -7 -7 -7 -7 8 8 -7
From dis min-ute I’m tell-in’ you,

-7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 9 -9 10 -9 9
I keep dis vow: Por-gy, I’s yo’ wo-man now.

-7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 7 -6
Oh, my Bes-sie, we’s hap-py now.

-6 7 -7 -6
We is one now.

Phheeewwww ENJOY!!!

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Bess You Is My Woman! Harmonica Tab

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