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American Tune (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Chromatic
Skill: Any

American Tune (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

By: Paul Simon
Simon & Garfunkel
Key: C

-2 3 3 -3 3 -2 2 -1 2
Man-y’s the time I’ve been mis-tak-en
-4 4 4 -4 -4 -3
And man-y times con-fused.
2 3 3 -3 3 -2 2 -1 2
Yes, and I’ve of-ten felt for-sak-en
-4 5 6 -55 6 -55-35
And cer-tain-ly mis-used
5 5 5 5 -4 3 -3-4-33 3
Oh, but I’m all right, I’m all right
3 3 -3 4 3 -2 2
I’m just wea-ry to my bones
4 -3 -4 4 -5 5 -4
Still, you don’t ex-pect to be
4 -4 -3 3 -4
Bright and bon vi-vant
2 -2 3 3 -1 2
So far a-way from home,
-34 3 2 2 -1 1
so far a-way from home

1 2 3 3 -3
I don’t know a soul
3 -2 2 -1 2
who’s not been bat-tered
-4 -4 -4 -4 4 4 -4 -4 -3
I don’t have a friend who feels at ease
2 2 3 3 -3 3
I don’t know a dream that’s
-2 2 -1 2
not been shat-tered
-4 5 6 -55 6 -55-35
or driv-en to its knees
5 5 5 5 -4 3 -3 3
Oh, but it’s all right, it’s all right
3 3 -3 4 4 3 -2 2
for we lived so well so long
4 -3 -4 4 -5 5 -4
Still, when I think of the
4 -4 -3 3 -4
road we’re trav-�ling on
2 -2 3 3 -1 2
I won-der what’s gone wrong
2 -3 -3 3 3 3 2-1 1 2 -1 1
I can’t help it, I won-der what’s gone wrong

1 1 2 -1 1 -1 1
And I dreamed I was dy-ing
1 2 -2 3 3 -5 5 -4 -4 4 -3
I dreamed that my soul rose un-ex-pect-ed-ly
-3 4 -4 -3 -3 -4 3
And look-ing back down at me
-3 3 -2 2 -2 -1
Smiled re-as-sur-ing-ly
-1 1 2 2 2 -1 1
And I dreamed I was fly-ing
1 2 -2 2 2 -6 6 -5 -5 6 5
And high up a-bove my eyes could clear-ly see
-3 4 -4 -3 -3 -4 3
The Sta-tue of Lib-er-ty
-3 3 -2 2 -2 -1
Sail-ing a-way to sea
-1 1 2 2 2 -1 1
And I dreamed I was fly-ing
1 2 3 3 -3 3 -2 2 2 -1
We come on the ship they call the May-flower
2 -4 -4 -4 4 4 -4 4 -3
We come on the ship that sailed the moon
1 2 3 3 -3 4 3 1 -1 2 3
We come in the a-ge’s most un-cer-tain hours
-4 4 4 4 6 6 -5 -55-35
and sing an A-mer-i-can tune
6-5 5 5 -5 5 3 -3 3
Oh, and it’s al-right, it’s all right,
3 3 2
it’s all right
3 3 -3 4 -5 6 -5 5
You can’t be for-ev-er blessed
5 -3 -4 4 -5 -5 -5 -5
Still, to-mor-row’s go-ing to be
-4 4 -4 -3 3 -4
An-oth-er work-ing day
2 2 -2 -2 3 3 -1 2
And I’m try-ing to get some rest
-3 -3 4 3 3 2 2 2 -1 1
That’s all I’m try-ing to get some rest

American Tune (Chromatic) Lyrics

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American Tune (Chromatic) Harmonica Tab

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