A Man Without Love Harmonica Tab
A Man Without Love Harmonica Tab
(Quando m’innamoro)
W: Barry Mason
M: Daniele Pace, Mario Panzeri, and Roberto Livraghi
Engelbert Humperdinck
Key: D, Eb
-6*-6*-6*-6* -7 -6* -3 -5 7 -6* 6
I can re-mem-ber when we walked to-geth-er
7 7 7 7 -7 8*
Shar-ing a love I thought
-8 -7 7* -7 7-6*
would last for-ev- er
-6* -6* -6* -6* -7 -6* -3 -5 7 -6* 6
Moon-light to show the way so we can fol-low
7 7 7 7 -7 8* -8 -7 7* -7 7-6*
Wait-ing in-side her eyes was my to-mor-row
Key: Eb
7 7 7 7 -7* 7
Then some-thin’ changed her mind,
-3* -5* 7* 7 -6
her kiss-es told me
7* 7* 7* 7* -7* -9 -9 -9* -10
I had no lov-in’ arms to hold me
-9*-9* -9*-9* -9* 11 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10
Ev-‘ry day I wake up, then I start to break up
9 9 9 9 -9* -9 9 7*
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10 9 9 9 9 9 -9*
Ev-‘ry day I start out, then I cry my heart out
-7* -7*-7*-7*-10 -9* 9 7
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
-9*-9* -9*-9* -9* 11 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10
Ev-‘ry day I wake up, then I start to break up
9 9 9 9 -9* -9 9 7*
Know-ing that it’s cloud-y a-bove
-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10 9 9 9 9 9 -9*
Ev-‘ry day I start out, then I cry my heart out
-7* -7*-7*-7*-10 -9* -9 -9*
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
Key: D
-6*-6*-6* -6* -7 -6*
I can-not face this world
-3 -5 7 -6* 6 6
that’s fall-en down on me
7 7 7 7 -7 8*
So, if you see my girl
-8 -7 7* -7 7 -6*
please send her home to me
-6* -6*-6* -6* -7 -6* -3 -5 7 -6* 6
Tell her a-bout my heart that’s slow-ly dy-ing
7 7 7 7 -7 8* 8* -9 10
Say I can’t stop my-self from cry-ing
-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10* 9* 9* 9* 9* 9* 10
Ev-‘ry day I wake up, then I start to break up
-8 -8 -8 -8 -9 8* -8 7
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
9* 9* 9* 9* 9* 10 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -9
Ev-‘ry day I start out, then I cry my heart out
-7 -7 -7-7 10 -9 9* -9
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
Key: Eb
-9*-9* -9*-9* -9* 11 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10
Ev-‘ry day I wake up, then I start to break up
9 9 9 9 -9* -9 9 7*
Know-ing that it’s cloud-y a-bove
-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10 9 9 9 9 9 -9*
Ev-‘ry day I start out, then I cry my heart out
-7*-7*-7*-7*-10 -9* -9 -9*
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
-9*-9* -9*-9* -9* 11 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10
Ev-‘ry day I wake up, then I start to break up
9 9 9 9 -9* -9 9 7
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10 9 9 9 9 9 -9*
Ev-‘ry day I start out, then I cry my heart out
-7*-7*-7*-7*-10 -9* -9 -9*
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
-7*-7*-7*-7*-9* 11 11 -9*
Lone-ly is a man with-out love
A Man Without Love Lyrics
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