
Key: Any

Genre: General

Harp Type: Chromatic

Skill: Any

Hushabye Mountain Chromatic

<7 7 <7 7 <7 7-6 <-5 <-5 5 A gentle breeze, from Hushabye Mountain7 -6 <-5 5 5 -5<-5 -5 softly blows o'er lulabye bay.<7 7 <7 7 <7 7 -6 <-5 <-5 5 It fills the sails of boats that are waiting,<-5 5 <-5 7 7 7 -4 -4 5 waiting to sail your worries away.repeat5 8 <9 8 <9 8 <-7 <-7 <-7 <-6 so close your eyes on hushabye mountain8 <-7 <7 -6 -6 7 <7 7 wave goodbye to cares of the day5 7 <7 7 <7 7 -6<-5 <-5 5 and watch your boat from hushabye mountain<-5 5 <-5 7 7 7 <-7 <-7 8 sail far a way from lullabye bay
