What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life Harmonica Tab
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life Harmonica Tab
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W: Alan & Marilyn Bergman
M: Michel Legrand
Barbra Streisand, Frank Sinatra
Key: Am (C)
5 -5 6 -6 7* -7 -8 -8 -7 -8
What are you do-ing the rest of your life?
-8 -7 -8 8 -8 -7 7
North and South and East and West
7 -6 7
of your life?
7 -6 7 -7 7 -6 6 6 -5 6
I have on-ly one re-quest of your life
6 -5 6 -6 6 -5 -4
That you spend it all with me.
5 -5 6 -6 7* -7 -8 -8 -7 7
All the sea-sons and the times of your days.
-8 -7 -8 8 -8 -7 7 7 -6 7
All the nick-els and the dimes of your days.
7 -6 7 -7 7 -6 6 6 -5 6
Let the rea-sons and the rhymes of your days.
6 -5 6 -6 6 -5 5*
All be-gin and end with me.
6 -7 10 10 -9* 10
I want to see your face,
9* -9 9* -9 9 9*
In ev-‘ry kind of light,
6 10 -9* 10 9*
In fields of dawn and
-9 9* -9 9 9*
For-ests of the night;
9* 9* 9* 9* 9 9*
And when you stand be-fore
-7* -8 -7* -8 -7 -7*
The can-dles on a cake.
5* 5 5* -6*-7* 8 -8 8
Oh let me be the one to hear
-7 -7* -7 -7* 7* -7
The si-lent wish you make.
5 -5 6 -6 7* -7 -8 -8 -7 -8
Those to-mor-rows wait-ing deep in your eyes
-8 -7 -8 8 -8 -7 7 7 -6 7
In the world of love you keep in your eyes,
7 -6 7 -7 7 -6 6 6 -5 6
I’ll a-wak-en what’s a-sleep in your eyes,
6 -5 6 -6 6 -5 -8
It may take a kiss or two
8 -9 -9 9 -9
Thru all of my life
-9 9 -9 10 -9 8 -7 -7 7 -7
Sum-mer, Win-ter, Spring and Fall of my life,
-7 7 -7 -8 -7 7 6 6 -5 6
All I ev-er will re-call of my life
-5 6 6 -5 6 6 -7
Is all of my life with you.
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life Lyrics
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