
Key: C

Genre: General

Harp Type: Diatonic

Skill: Beginner

Helan går

This is a Swedish drinking song. At the bottom is the English
translation. When reading it you will soon understand that it’s not
the proper translation at all, but I suppose this is how the Swedish
song sounds like to an English speaking listener. Well I guess it’s
Swedish humor, good or not, you be the judge.

Helan går, sjung hopp,
56 4 5 -4

fa-de-ral-lan-lal-lan lej!
-4 -4-4 -4 5 4 4

Helan går, sjung hopp,
56 4 5 -4

fa-de-ral-lan lej!
-4 -4 -4 -4 4

Och den som inte halvan tar,
5 -4 -4 -4-4 54 4

han heller inte helan får.
5 -4-4 -4-4 54 4

Helan går!
56 7

Sjung hopp, fa-de-ral-lan-lej!
5 -4 -4-4 -4 -4 4

Hell and gore
Chung Hop father Allan Allan Ley
Hell and gore
Chung Hop father Allan Ley
Oh handsome in the hell and tar
and hell are in a half and four
Hell and goooooore ………..
Chung Hop father Allan Ley
