
Key: Any

Genre: Blues

Harp Type: Diatonic

Skill: Intermediate

Don’t Get Around Much Any More

found this in and old book i picked up and its good! Listen to it for
the timing.

SB-scoop bent
[]- slide up the harp, so [-1-2-3-4] means slide staring on one draw
quickly up to -4.
()- chords- so (78) means 7 and 8 blow played together.
/- fast- /56-7/ means played quickly

[-2-3-4-5-6-7] -6 6 -4 4 -3 (-34)(45)(-45′)(-45)
[-2-3-4-5-6-7] -6 6 -4 4 -3 -2 -3′ 5 -3′ 2
-4 4 -3 -3SB -2 (36) (52) (63) (52)
-3 4 -4′ -4 -2 -3′ -3 -2 -2 -1 -2SB -1 2 -1

[-2-3-4-5-6-7] -6 6 -4 4 -3 (-34)(45)(-45′)(-45)
[-2-3-4-5-6-7] -6 6 -4 5 -3 -3 -3′ -3” -3”’
-4 4 -3 -3′ -2 (63) (52)
-2 3 -3′ -3 /-3SB -3′ -2/
3 -3 -3′ -2 -2′ -1 /-2′ -2 -2’/ -1 -2′ -1 -2′ -2


[-2-3-4-5-6-7] -66-6SB-6′-6′-6′-6’6565 -2
-6′-6′-6’65-4-3′ -2-2′-2”
-6′ -6’6565 9′ -2-3′-2”-2′-1-1’1

[-2-3-4-5-6-7] -6 6 -4 4 -3 (-34)(45)(-45′)(-45)
[-2-3-4-5-6-7] -6 6 -4 5 -3 -3 -3′ -3” -3”’
-4 4 -3 -3SB -2 (63)(52)(63)(52)
/-34-4’4/ /-34-4’4/ /-34-4’4 -3-2-1/ 2-2-2


(63) -5-4-4′-5-4-3-2 (-43′) 4-4′-4
-1-2′-1-2 9 (-123)
