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The Entertainer ( with lyrics) Harmonica Tab

Songwriter(s): No Information
Key: C
Harp Type: Chromatic

The Entertainer ( with lyrics) Harmonica Tab

This version has an intro and an ending with no lyrics.

5 -5 6 5 -5 6~~~~ 5 -5 5 6 5 -5 6~~~ 5 -5 5 6 5 -5
6~~~ -4 -5 5~~~~~

-1 <-1 2 4 2 4 2 4 Now the cur-tain is go-ing up 4 -5 <-5 6 5 -5 6 -4 -5 5 The En-ter-tain-er is tak-ing a bow -1 <-1 2 4 2 4 2 4 Does his dance step and sings his song -3 3 <-2 -3 4 6 -5 5 -3 -4 5 -5 Ev-en gets all the au - di - ence to sing A-long -1 <-1 2 4 2 4 2 4 Yes he knows just what he must do 4 -5 <-5 6 5 -5 6 -4 -5 5 Knows how to bring down the house when he's thru 5 -5 6 5 -5 6 5 -5 5 Snap-py pat-ter and jokes he knows what 6 5 -5 6 5 -5 5 6 5 -5 6 -4 Pleas-es the folks the en-ter-tain-er the star of -5 5 2 -2 <-2 3 -3 3 2 -2 <-2 The show It was in vau-de-ville and he was 3 -3 3 6 5 3 -3 -4 4 -5 On the bill with all the sing-ers danc-ers 6 -5 5 -5 3 2 -2 <-2 3 -3 3 Ac-ro-bats and clowns. There was a danc-ing bear 2 -2 <-2 3 -3 3 3 -3 <-3 -4 -4 -4 Ev-en a dog act there and a co- me-di -an -4 -4 -3 <-2 -1 3 2 -2<-2 3 -3 3 Who nev-er let 'em down.But when he came on 2 -2 <-2 3 -3 3 6 5 3 -3 -4 To do his fav-'rite song he real-ly wowed 'em 5 -5 6 -5 5 -5 5 3 <-2 3 In the ci-ties and the towns.They came from 4 -3 4 -3 4 -3 3 -3 -4 4 Near and far to see the vau-de-ville star 3 -3 5 6 5 The En-ter-tain -ner Ending 5 -5 6 5 -5 6~~~5 -5 5 6 5 -5 6~~~5 -5 5 6 5 -5 5 6 5 -5 6~~~ -4 -5 5

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The Entertainer ( with lyrics) Harmonica Tab

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