
Key: F

Genre: Folk

Harp Type: Diatonic

Skill: Any

Pretty Polly (12th pos)

Mountain song from Kentucky
Key: Dm
Time: 2/4
Harp: C

-2”-2” -2” 3 -2”-1 1
-5 -5 -5 6 -5 -4 4
I court-ed pret-ty Pol-ly

-1 -2” 3 -2” -1
-4 -5 6 -5 -4
The live-long night

-3” 4 4 4 -4 -3” 3
-6 7 7 7 -8 -6 6
I court-ed pret-ty Pol-ly

-3” 4 -4 -3”
-6 7 -8 -6
The live-long night

-2 -2” -2” -1 1 1
-5 -5 -5 -4 4 4
Then left her next morn-ing

-1 -2” 3 -2” -1
-4 -5 6 -5 -4
Be-fore it was light
